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File:arc-pro-group-with-portal.….png (175.89 KB,480x270)


Do you think Intel will commit to their GPU line or chicken out when the sales get bad(as Microsoft did against Apple and Samsung), which they inevitably will be against AMD and NVIDIA market dominance, or will they commit to it and try to make a market where one doesn't exist(has anyone done this)?



I heard that Nvidia GPUs worked better with Intel CPUs and that AMD works better with AMD.
If true, then it's possible that Intel GPUs may run better with Intel CPUs or if not they could artificially make it so they do.


That would be a good marketing point if the influencers pick up on it.
Intel is a strong brand that people pick for simplicity and that would make things even easier.


File:[Rom & Rem] Urusei Yatsura….jpg (277.5 KB,1920x1080)

I don't follow this exactly, but I think they're committed to it at this point. Building the manufacturing stuff is the really expensive part, isn't it? Throw in the ridiculous government grants these companies get and I think they'll safely coast along


yeah, they spent a huge amount of money on setting up lots of factories. They've been sleeping on the backs of lawyers for a while and the new CEO is taking things in a more competitive direction.

Shame that this happened during a year where spending will be lower than normal. Which is why I have to wonder what will happen


The /secret/ post


thank you for responding to my thread!


Intel's earnings crashed hard. What's sort of unusual about Intel is their shareholder payout is that 75% of their free cash goes into shareholders. Nvidia or AMD on the other hand pay out 0%.
So basically in a highly competitive industry Intel is giving out a lot of useful money to boost their shareprice and access more investor money should they need to raise funds.

This doesn't effect their already set up operations and they've invested into them. But it's something to consider when thinking about Intel's competitive advantages.


There is no way they expect this to compete in its first gen, right? They MUST be playing the long game they HAVE to I NEED more GPU competition!!!


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They will never break into the consumer GPU market, where the monopoly has already been well established for each tiers (NVIDIA for gaming enthusiasts, Intel integrated graphics for laptops, AMD for game consoles). The dominance of NVIDIA on the desktop will never end as it has heavily invested in the software side which creates vendor lock-in.

Instead, they will only focus on the server market with the existing long-term exclusivity Intel CPU deals. Bundling GPU offerings to their CPUs provides a better deal to prevent the market from switching to AMD.


I don't think Intel has the laptop market in control. Any proof of that or is it just speculation?


File:Q3-2022-Intel-NVIDIA-AMD-G….jpg (204.21 KB,1726x1564)


Intel has 74% total laptop GPU market share, only 13% for NVIDIA.
Intel has 90% integrated GPU market (non-gaming) share.


Thought AMD was found in laptops more often.. guess not


Maybe in the XP era, grampa.


Ah, yeah, it's those CPUs with the mini GPU thing inside it, right? Those things are pretty cool. Not nearly as good for gaming, of course, but compared to what it'd be like with a "regular" CPU it's pretty impressive


my laptop msi laptop is AMD...
(it also doesn't have a monitor because the hinges broke)


Personally I've rooted for intel to enter the market for a long time because AMD are price fixing poopheads content to protect their margins at the expense of ever dwindling marketshare. I am not one of those people hoping for AMD or Intel to force Nvidia to lower prices so I can buy Nvidia yet again.
But they fumbled too many years. Imagine if arc actually got released in 2020/2021 in the height of the cryptoboom 2.0
It would've sold out regardless of how unfinished it was. It would've afforded Intel a lot of cashflow and a large installbase to essentially betatest the drives and early hardware revisions. It would've been a lot of fuel in the tank and lessons learned for the next hardware generation. They could've built a lot of momentum.

Instead they delayed and delayed and delayed and still put out what was always going to be an unfinished product. Only now it's a much different market and whether or not battlemage will be aborted along with the entire business unit is anyone's guess as inventory piles up and prices get slashed.

It's a damn shame.


I really wonder what's happening with Arc. It kind of seems like from future hardware leaks, the Xe cores for GPU rendering will be used in laptops and be pretty good, but no idea about discrete GPUs... I hope they haven't given up on it.

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