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File:19716540_p0.jpg (92.54 KB,1417x1417)


Also called Denko or Shoboon and probably other things, this lovable little kaomoji is a living legend.
Did you know Shobon is starring in an upcoming otaku-oriented anime? It's true.
Let's have a thread where we talk about and post about him.


Starring? Which anime is it?


File:134079l.jpg (191.38 KB,424x600)

Here is his character page on anilist. How mysterious!
A hero? A villain? A... lover?(* ^ ω ^)


(´• ω •`)Well, okay, starring might be too much. He does seem to feature prominently on the poster at least.


reminds me of akiba strip from the poster and that one was fun


Good news! Shobon's action game, the kaizo before anyone here knew what kaizo was, is on archive.org!

I can confirm that it works fine on Windows 10. As a comment on archive.org said, you can rename the exe and folder as "しょぼんのアクション" for accuracy, but it works fine as-is with the broken zip encoding.


File:1576631010581.png (324.64 KB,1280x720)

キタ───(^ ω ^)───!!


File:[HorribleSubs] Murenase! S….jpg (16.31 KB,161x233)

same director, he also did murenase.


so proud of him finally coming out of supporting character hell


Do you think she likes me? (´・ω・`)


File:shobon.jpg (117.57 KB,1440x480)


File:Shobon-Jesork8k21s-1.mp4 (3.6 MB,1280x720)

Extremely important video. Please watch so that you can better understand Shobon


File:1653575921374.jpg (31.19 KB,960x638)



Going by his official character page, it would seem that the correct response is villain.



It is a good day to die ( ´-ω・)︻┻┳══━一


File:[SubsPlease] Mahou Shoujo ….jpg (232.75 KB,1920x1080)

( ‘・ω・')︻┻┳══━一 ( ‘・ω・')︻┻┳══━一 (‘・ω・')︻┻┳══━一
( ‘・ω・')︻┻┳══━一 ( ‘・ω・')︻┻┳══━一 ( ‘・ω・')︻┻┳══━一
( ´-ω・)︻┻┳══━一 ( ‘・ω・')︻┻┳══━一 ( ‘・ω・')︻┻┳══━一


Anti-hero. Not the one we want, but the one we deserve.


What was the name of THE kaomoji gallery site that closed a few months ago? There was a post here on kissu about it but I already forgot it's name... Wanted to look for archives of said page.


Yes actually still up.



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