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File:[SubsPlease] Rokudou no On….jpg (60.33 KB,584x720)


If good girls are good
and bad girls are bad
wouldn't it be good if all the bad girls became good girls?


it's good to be bad


File:027d08a0ebb2b668751d7b35fe….png (2.17 MB,1446x2046)

Nice hypothesis, Anonymous, but you're making a critical error in your logic. Bad girls == Bad is not axiomatically true. You'd need to lay the framework for such a conclusion and I'm afraid that no prior work has been done which verifies this theory. In fact, most evidence seems to point to the opposite.


If bad girls were good, they'd be called good girls.


The issue at hand is that the "good" in "good girl" does not refer to the full breadth of meaning the former standalone word has, nor does "bad" in "bad girl". Rather, these idiomatically reflect an attitude, such as rebelliousness or boldness in the case of "bad", and cheer or agreeableness in the case of "good". If all bad girls became good girls, that would not be necessarily good since these situationally favorable traits would disappear from the populace.


not bad good bad bad


neither good both bad


"Good" is used to modify "girl" as a descriptor, notating that she has traits that are considered positive in a young female. Likewise, a "bad girl" is one who has negative or undesirable traits. There may be good or bad things that fall outside of this scope and the things that make a girl good or bad may not have the same effect on other things, but so long as we remain in the context of girls one who is described as "good" must be good and vice versa.


Required viewing


That's a very surface level analysis.
That which certain groups deem bad other groups may deem to be good, depending on the values they stand for. Submissiveness versus assertiveness, conformism versus contrarianism, altruism versus selfishness, following the rules versus breaking them. Traditional hegemonic discourse will tell you that in each case the former is preferrable, but those against said discourse will often go for the opposite. However, because it's hegemonic it has the power to impose the labels of one group of qualities as good, and another as bad, thus people on the opposing camp will end up using the two words not to refer to its moral value, which they disagree on, but to the set of characteristics they cover, which they can agree on.

It's not too unlike the cases where a negative word gain an opposite positive meaning, such as "sick" developing into a synonym of "awesome" when used as slang by a certain group of people in a certain context. Further examination yields the conclusion that having neither malaria nor tuberculosis fits this description, however. Same goes for "wicked", or "yabai". The word "badass" itself is derived off of "bad", but, who would say that being badass is a bad thing? No one, that's who. And even people who hate the cold use "cool" as praise.

Pop bands from either side of Greenwich commonly have a designated "bad" boy or girl to appeal to a certain demographic looking out for these traits. They are situationally favorable because in some instances something like rebelliousness will be troublesome, while in others it may be outright necessary. The break from convention bad girls (even "bad bitches") represent is in fact often good. Context matters.



whenever someone starts going on about hegemonic hegelian stuff or whatever my eyes automatically start to slide over the words


That's okay, you're not the target demographic.


im one of those against said discourse so yeah


File:1495569006224.jpg (22.41 KB,400x273)

above all a girl needs to stay true to herself, may that be good or good


bad girls are good


You're not looking at the broader context. The people who think being "bad" is positive are themselves bad. Simply viewing bad things as anything but bad makes them bad. It isn't that bad girls are good, it's that there are bad people around trying to trick others with roundabout wordplay.



thread theme


File:pink hairs.png (642.48 KB,1000x1000)

You know what's good? Girls with that kind of bubblegum pink hair are good. It's so damn sexy. Bratty hot pink loli hair

And it must be a very specific pink.

NOT purple, maroon, or soft pink like Kurumi, Nozomi, or Chocola from Yes! Pretty Cure 5. Certainly NOT the soft purplish pink of Jasminka from Little Witch Academia. NEITHER the salmon of Hinata from Ro-Kyu-Bu nor the main character pink of Tomoka from the same. NOT EVEN the reddish pink of Nene from Bubblegum Crisis, who almost has it, and has exactly the right type of personality to go with it, but the hair is just a bit too red so its not the colour I have in mind.


File:bb493062b8c1b85c1cb68cda82….jpg (886.41 KB,1063x1500)

Hmmm, #ea5aa2, but also #ee58ad...
What about pic, #fe8db9? Its values look to be in line with the examples given, save for being a tad more green.
The girl herself I'm not sure I'd call bratty, but she is proactive.


Hmm, it's pink, but it's lacking that fluorescent boldness that makes a hot pink. Like Nene's hair, it's just outside the edge of the concept. Good girl though, with her 1 kilo boobers showing through her shirt gaps and blue eyes+pink hair combo.

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