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File:[tlacatlc6] Gin no Saji 07….jpg (391.47 KB,1920x1080)


I've been wanting to do a kissu stream of this for a while now but I kept procrastinating. The filename for this image tells me that I took a screenshot for this thread in December of 2021.
So without further ado, I am announcing the Gin no Saji stream that will take place this Friday in two days. Same standard stream starting time of 6PM EST/11PM UTC.
It will be in https://theatre.kissu.moe/kiss/yukkuri when the time comes.

Gin no Saji is a SoL-ish show about a city boy that goes to an agricultural school to learn about farming. If the style looks familiar to you, it should, because it's from the creator of Fullmetal Alchemist. Nothing supernatural here, though, just the somewhat realistic farming life. If you don't like thinking about where meat comes from then you may want to avoid this.
It's 11 episodes, so I think we can do some OP/ED skipping and do all of it at once. There's a season two, so maybe we can do that next week or maybe we should put some time between it.
Either way, let's give it a watch!


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (419.64 KB,1920x1080)

I can be there. Friday streams are very convenient for me because in my time zone they fall on a Caturday. If we do a season two I'd prefer it not on the immediate next week.


I like this series. And good opportunity to finish the manga


Sure, I'll be there.


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Never even heard about this one, but I like farming and SoL so I'll definitely check it out!


File:[tlacatlc6] Gin no Saji 07….jpg (422.11 KB,1920x1080)

This is a reminder that it's tomorrow!


my mom grew up on a farm
wonder what she'd think of this series


pretty true to commercialized farming iirc


is she muscly


File:[sam] Gin no Saji - 03 [BD….jpg (324.73 KB,1920x1080)

Started pre-watching this, and it's pretty great. I think the stream should be really enjoyable if this is what it's going to be.


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can you put a pissu break in the middle?


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Yeah I will, 10 minute intermission at least


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File:[sam] Gin no Saji - 03 [BD….jpg (301.81 KB,1920x1080)

Episode 4 starting shortly!
This really isn't a show that's too important to see from the beginning, so feel free to drop in and out.
Episode 1 - Introductions and chickens
EPisode 2 - School Clubs and Horses
Episode 3 - Pigs and Horse Racing


episode 4 pizza


File:[sam] Gin no Saji - 05 [BD….jpg (226.69 KB,1920x1080)

episode 5: kind of hard to explain...


its a heist movie


From the stream comments I feel like Kissu must be full of city slickers...


farmers are too busy to post on kissu


most humans alive are city slickers


File:[anon] The Idolmaster Cind….jpg (331.41 KB,1920x1080)

Apparently I live rural actually because vermin knows best


File:[sam] Gin no Saji - 04 [BD….jpg (444.56 KB,1920x1080)

Compared to people that grew up on farms the vast majority of people online are city clickers I would imagine. My dad grew up on a farm and we had some crops in our backyard when I was growing up. Also, the area behind our house (not where my dad grew up, it was a whole other part of the country) for about a decade was farmland, but then the guy sold his property and it became a neighborhood so the view of pasture and horses/cows was lost. I have memories of feeding horses over a little fence from the comfort of our backyard. It was really nice.
I wish we had that experience for a longer time, but that farmer must have made so much money so I can't blame him.

I'm definitely someone that's far more comfortable in a rural area, but over time it's become built up so I think it's closer to suburban now.
I can look at a street corner and think "I remember when that was a pond, and over there were some trees where geese would hang out"


like a fake kind of rural that's mostly just for people to get large houses for cheaper prices


File:[sam] Gin no Saji - 04 [BD….jpg (276.6 KB,1920x1080)

Saw someone mention that the fma author was very different from the death note author in relation to this being written by the fma author. I find it funny, but not surprising that fma's author also wrote this since fma is also pure gold.

This anime was relaxed, funny, educational, and dealt well with the troubles of finding your place in the world along with promoting reaching out to others.


there was also Arslan Saga which did less well, but the author isn't a philosophical sperg and knows how to mix morality with story telling


ah wait ... that's a manga adaptation of a LOTGH author's work


why the comparison to the death note author whats he got to do with any of this


File:[sam] Gin no Saji - 06 [BD….jpg (417.56 KB,1920x1080)

Success! Using the stream as a backlog clearer is something we should do more often. The show had been sitting on my drive for years, and as I said in the OP I was going to stream it in 2021, but I finally did it!
I'll stream season two sometime soon, but NOT next week.

Wow, what a great show. The farming parts were quite informative and gave a glimpse of a life most people won't even think about, much less experience, so it was quite refreshing. The farm stuff was great, but it feels like even if you had zero interest in that stuff the characters themselves make for a great experience. I think it did a great job showing the rural lifestyle with a close-knit community, but it also shows that it's a rough lifestyle physically and economically.
Very enjoyable.

Yeah, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. FMA is needless to say a masterpiece and the characters breathed life into that world. I looked her up and she grew up on a dairy farm and her social media avatar is a cow.
...and she has a semi-autobiographical anime coming out this summer??
It looks like it will probably be one of those shorts that never gets translated, though.


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sugoi milking power


Ohhh that makes sense why the anime seemed really passionate about farming then. Pretty interesting background for a mangaka though. Think I'm actually interested in that biography anime just to see how she went from farmer to mangaka...


I remember reading about a few other mangaka that grew up in the country but I don't remember who they were.

As somebody that also grew up in the country I think that it's actually pretty easy to understand. It is peaceful but also boring for a child so they have to rely a lot more on individual interests and I think you also probably day dream more as well given all the free time and boredom. So it would be more likely for a child to become fixated on drawing or something like that and they would be more imaginative as well.


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Ideally you'd have people with a whole lot of different life experiences making things because it gives you new perspectives on things. With the bulk of Japan's population inside Tokyo, someone growing up in a rural area on a dairy farm is quite unique and it's really quite special that they became a creator.
Shigeru Miyamoto (the Nintendo guy) said that he got the idea for Zelda from exploring a little cave as a kid and it birthed one of the most famous game series ever.
I think anything you experience as a kid tends to remain as something magical with a strong emotional attachment to it so it can influence writing a whole lot, even if in the grand scheme of things it was something minor.
I wish my childhood was interesting...


File:[sam] Gin no Saji - 08 [BD….jpg (354.23 KB,1920x1080)

Alright, it's time for Season 2! It's 11 episodes, which is a pretty awkward amount. We could do two Fridays or marathon it all at once.
I'm personally fine with either, but what do you guys think?
Either way, this Friday there will be at least 5 episodes!


Nice, I know what I'm doing this Saturday.


I'm fine with all at once, but aren't we still doing the Higurashi stream this week? Not sure if the OVAs will take us through Friday.


We are, yeah, but they won't last until Friday


File:[sam] Gin no Saji - 11 [BD….jpg (349.27 KB,1920x1080)

Reminder! I'll go ahead and grab all 11 episodes for tomorrow, but I'll do a vote midstream to see if people want to continue on at the halfway point.


Would you be able to include a 10 minute pissu break if you do all 11 episodes?


File:[sam] Gin no Saji - 08 [BD….jpg (307.46 KB,1920x1080)

Yeah, there will be another intermission. I'm leaning towards streaming everything tonight, but we'll see what people think. Turnout for the second week of a stream is generally like 50-70% of the first week so people will drop out either way.


streamin soon


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stream starting!


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Steam complete! It was pretty great. I think I like season one a lot more because it dealt with animals and farming while season 2 was a lot more focused on people and work.
It wasn't bad, but it's different from what I was expecting. Mikage is very cute


I like that it showed struggle, that some things aren't as realistic as others, and that sometimes it just doesn't pan out, without really exaggerating it much. The dad was also a more muted kind of asshole you don't see very often.


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Yeah, that's true. Lots of struggle and life not being what you want it to be. It shows the trap of poverty that people might not think of when they think of farmers. The foundation of civilization, but they don't live very well apart from the simple pleasures that Gin no Saji does a great job of showing.


good anime

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