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File:kagamiku-itasha-crash-002.jpg (138.39 KB,800x533)


Is "cringemobile" a good translation of itasha?

I feel that itasha is one of those things that are so unique to Japan that it's better to leave the word untranslated.


Saw someone driving around with anime stickers on their car just today, so it's not that unique to Japan.


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I think it sounds like too much of a joke. Cringe and -mobile both carry a ton of luggage that ita and sha don't, it's a translation that sounds really stupid, but at the same time something like "paincar" is what you'd expect from a demonic vehicle straight out of hell, so yeah, I think the simplest thing to do is keep it as itasha.


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Paincar sounds metal as hell.


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Saw some "cringemobiles" while moving around this time last year.


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I mean, it's called that because it's 'painful' to look at, and to 'cringe' at something is usually taken to mean recoiling in some form of 'pain' which by implication of what people normally cringe at seems like it's either the same or similar form of pain. So by that logic it makes sense to me, unless you know of another way the pain can be described that differs from cringing at it.


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Seems like an untranslatable word to me, but "paincar" sounds pretty awesome. BEHOLD, MY PAINCAR!
The western equivalent would probably be something related to furries... Yiffmobile?




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thought left had a pasted shana car for a second and was disappointed




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Riceburners had more heart in them with they had massive unnecessary spoilers instead of stickers. Where is the passion?


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Just Ereshkigal...


I dont have pictures but there is a dude in my car club with similar stuff but with dragonball.


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>Where is the passion?



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Does this count?


Yes, but in the context of anime subbing, where it's possible to find situations like Nagatoro saying sus, ignoring the heavy slang element of cringe doesn't make sense. If this were from ten years ago then I'd be alright with it, but now it sounds to me like some sort of ironic twitter meme.




Name a better translation/localization that preserves the original meaning in a way that won't be lost in time.


Lost to time? What do you mean?


The "painful" part refers to cringing, so yes.


These need their own word. I for one am a fan of schizomobile. This is very close to the kind that's plastered in random stickers that have conflicting messages like "PEACE" and then "PEDESTRIANS AND CYCLISTS ARE SPEED BUMPS" and "[Local political campaign sticker]".


Or, well, the thing is that they are already widely known as itasha in English, and have been for a long time:
It's like translating coup d'état as "strike of state", even though everyone uses the word coup straight from French. Translating it can only serve as a joke, because it's obscuring the word actually used to refer to it.


Tell that to the French and Quebecois! They regularly strike foreign words for the sake of culture and linguistic purity.


Yeah, but those languages have dignity, English doesn't. Here's a classic quote about it:
The problem with defending the purity of the English language is that English is about as pure as a cribhouse whore. We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.


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I mean, just look at this.


this is sad, english could be a more true speachcraft


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I could be completely wrong here but weren't itasha originally normal "everyday" cars? It's not unusual to see expensive-looking cars like these >>107753 with decorations on them, so I don't think there is anything particularly "ita" about them.


Well this is a phenomenon that just started two decades ago.


When I still went to anime cons there would be at least a couple on the lot.


More like they offer them up to us as tribute. Lingua Franca, baby!




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oh and lingua franca literally refers to french so much for that


No, it refers to a pidgin language spoken in the Mediterranean.


ohhhh they used frank to mean a bunch of other people as well my bad


he's obviously talking about America not that miserably island in the atlantic


The British century started long before burgerstan could into relevancy.


Is イタい a good translation for cringe?


>In Japan, an itasha (痛車, literally "painful" or "cringeworthy"[1][2] + "car") is a car decorated with images of characters from anime, manga, or video games


Hate tubers


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You guys want some sour-y? Or as they call it today, longevitydirector.
Itasha is a loanword, not a calque.


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Bit shusshy there.

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