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File:133785l.jpg (575.28 KB,1272x1197)


help kissu which of the romances this season are worth picking up?


Skip to loafer, I like the manga better though.


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I only like romantic stuff as a "first-person" video game and not in anime form, but I really like Jijou. Although, I don't think you can call it romance so maybe that's why. They're still in the innocence of youth and even hold hands in the second episode and it's not a big deal. It's a very cute, heartwarming and enjoyable show. And of course it has the /qa/ voice in it as the female starring role! It does have a relationship between a boy and girl, but you can't call it romantic in that way. Although, in the sense that so many romantic mange/anime never progress into a official relationship over 20 IRL years maybe it could be considered romance after all.
The others didn't really interest me much.


Zannen, because the insomnia one is really good. Actually I can't speak for the anime having only seen one episode of it but I started reading its manga one night and found myself all the way in volume 7 in no time. Those kids really show their vulnerable sides to each other and are super in love with each other. Isaki is mannish with her eyebrows, thick frame, and aggressiveness in pursuing Nakami and it's kind of hot... they've also kissed a couple of times in the point I'm at and that's practically as official as it ever gets in manga.


where's the yuri romance one


>Skip to Loafer
Been really good so far. Lots of interesting characters with their own side stories. It's nice to see a probably trans character portrayed as a normal person instead of a fetish object or used as the butt of jokes.

>Houkago Insomnia
Feels like an extremely average romcom. Not much to say about it either way.

>Tenkousei GuiGui
Cute art but boring story. This would make for great 5-minute shorts but man sitting through 20 minutes of this is a slog. Haven't watched past ep 2 though so maybe it gets better?

The casual romance for the casuals, watch this if you want something to discuss with your facebook friends.

Didn't watch the other 2 at all.


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Skip to Loafer is more of a nice and relaxed SoL than a romance I feel. Less than intimate relations it focuses on showing the more optimistic side of humanity.

The edgy kid I thought was alright but not really that appealing to continue watching. Of everything in that pic it's pretty much the most average of the bunch. Right next to Yamada-kun which comes off as a much more female-oriented series with only a light reference to gaming. I'm not entirely sure why I'm still watching it while I dropped the edgy kid one.

Jijou has had the most outstanding moments of any of them so far and is adorably cute. The back and forth between Nishimura and Takada as he turns every potentially negative situation into a compliment towards Nishimura is so immensely sweet I may develop diabetes by the end of the series.

Insomnia is nice as well, but there's not as much I've thought about with it compared to the others. Nearly halfway in but I still feel like my impressions of it are just initial. However, I do enjoy the displays of youth that seem to be in focus.

ToniKawa is not that amazing. It's rated highly and has a unique premise but the first episodes of it were the best for me, as things went on and it introduced more characters I found myself falling out of favor with it more and more. I think the reason I'm still watching it is because someone on the staff or the author seems to be a big fan of math or adjacent field and they sprinkle it in here and there.

Also this is the best romance this season. True yuri and pretty colors. I want to see more than just full kissing by the end of the season, I want hot steamy yuri sex between Hime and Yano after they finally make up over their past grudges.


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>Haven't watched past ep 2 though so maybe it gets better?
It gets a lot better


Loafer was the only thing that caught my attention. Still haven't tried to watch the second season of tonikaku


>I think the reason I'm still watching it is because someone on the staff or the author seems to be a big fan of math or adjacent field and they sprinkle it in here and there.
Someone should make an anime set in a hyperbolic geometry universe, that would be some awesome math to put in.


Jijou and Insomnia are nice, but only because the romance has been in the back seat. Hate love.


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In what way has the romance part of jijou taken a back seat?


He's not doing it with the intention of wooing her, he's just a friendly kid.


jijou, insomnia, and maybe yamada if you really like shoujo romance


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Having finished it, I don't really consider Jijou to be that romantic. I mean, they're kids and it's hard to call it "romance". It's like the first crush thing you had when you didn't know what it meant, that's basically what it is. But, there's definitely value in that and I really liked the show a lot.
It's more of an "aaawww that's cute" kind of show, with some nice emotional moments

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