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File:monhun.jpg (162.66 KB,1282x722)

 No.108111[View All]

General video games thread. What are you playing? What are you looking forward to?
286 posts and 85 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



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looks like rdr1 was just released on switch (but still not on pc, huh)
but it seems that ryujinx and yuzu already run it better than xenia (and can also run on linux) means that the switch version is becoming the definitive pc version



Bizarre decision not releasing it on PC. I remember enjoying that game years ago but my tastes have changed since then, don't think I can put up with all the story and cutscenes today. I still remember having fun searching for the cryptids though.


I am tired of multiplayer FPSes, because of all the crying whenever people take the game seriously or god forbid work as a team over voice chat but I like challenging video games so I'm getting into flight sims, I tried playing TIE Fighter with a mouse but it was so aids I bought a used flight stick.
Freespace 2, Privateer,
IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946 and MS flight sim 2000 are on my list as I have a bad PC


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i finished Akiba's Trip 2!
the game just kind of ends suddenly, it felt like the climax and final battle came out of nowhere, i thought it felt odd.
2 is a huge improvement over 1 in a few areas, most notably in gameplay, but at the same time, there are a lot of things that i liked about 1 that i kind of missed in 2, like the writing feels worse in places and the characters weren't as good. but overall, i had a lot of fun with it!


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I think I remember someone talking about the girls or outfits in this game. Can you go on dates or interact with them in any way outside of direct gameplay? The image seems to hint at that, although maybe that's just a random story screenshot and doesn't imply anything like that.


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yeah that image isn't really related to anything, it's just a cg i unlocked after beating the game.

>Can you go on dates or interact with them in any way outside of direct gameplay?
"dates", i'd say no. you can interact with them in the story, and certain dialogue options (and, in some cases, sidequests) will push you along one girl's route, which will get you their ending, but that's about it when it comes to interactivity outside of gameplay (in gameplay, you can set one girl as your partner in battles). Akiba's Trip is definitely not what i'd describe as a dating sim.


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Ah, yeah, I wasn't expecting anything like a dating sum but that screenshot and hearing "routes" is definitely piquing my interest.
I remember on vita I downloaded it and also craploads of "DLC" that it had like dozens of outfits for other media like anime cosplay outfits or something. By the time I was about to play it my vita's power inlet port thing died.
Ahh... I should play it on PC I guess.


i'd recommend it, it's a fun beat-em-up type of game!


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Yeah, I guess I'll add it to the infinite backlog. When you say Beat 'Em Up is it more like a musou or something like Streets of Rage?
Either way, yeah, it seems nice thematically at least. It did get an anime, right?


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> is it more like a musou or something like Streets of Rage?
between the two of those, it's definitely closer to a musou, but i'm also not sure if that's quite correct, either, i don't quite know how i'd compare Akiba's Trip to other games.

there is an Akiba's Trip anime, i think it's really good, but it's not connected to the games at all outside of a handful of references. i'd say it's worth a watch.


Ohh, seems similar to Senran Kagura. There's not thousands of enemies, but they're not exactly individual threats. My favorite of those I've played is the Valkyrie Drive one, oddly enough.


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the monhun girl


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I feel you brother. ;_;


You tricked me with that filename for a second...


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I'm playing a game called Starfeild.

It's not really open world but then we knew it wouldn't be. Instead it's made up of star systems with planets and each planet having a few spots you can land on and explore around, and some might have cities. I'm not that far into the game so have not explored much on my own but what I have gone out of my way to explore has been pretty bland, I did a mission on a planet and decided to visit this spot that was on the same planet the spot with my mission was.
All the spot had was some trees, some rocks I could mine and a few bits of map I could scan to get exp. That's it, no enemy, nothing, what a waste of time.
This separated zone nature of the game also makes traversing the world(or galaxy) tedious and this is compounded by the bad UI for it.

Combat is bland, I watched a Gamespot review and in it he said the gun play was good, I disagree, I disagree strongly. But then people say Destiny has good gun play and I disagree with that as well.
It's also impossible to turn off enemy health bars by themself which is annoying as I hate health bars in the middle of the screen in shooters.

I have mixed feeling on the arstyle, the textures are fantastic and I think that some of the textures are the most beautiful I have seen in a game but the overall style is generic as are the faction outfits from what I have seen of them. The factions themselves are pretty bland as well. You have the United Colonies, the Freestate colonies or something like that and House of somebody.

The writing is terrible as well. It's so bad, it's incredibly corny and generic.

Overall, the game is what I thought it would be. It's pretty average in most ways but it gives you a lot to do at least. I'm only a few hours in so I still don't know how far I will go with it.


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There's a channel where a guy uploads DE conversations with max stats and I took a look at the corpse examination to see if I could find the communism line which I could swear I'd seen before. Yeap, it's there, alongside a solid amount of foreshadowing.


¥summary is basicallly another bethesda game
Yeah, I held off of buying this one since I just couldn't bring myself to believe it'd be anywhere near as good as people had been hyping it up to be. Seems like my intuition was right. A shame that it couldn't be some groundbreaking new space RPG, but that's about what I expected.


recently i have been playing a romhack of paper mario 64 called paper mario 64 ttyd
it's pretty fun


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The kissu stalker.


Nobody can agree on what race Nemona is supposed to be, what do you think?
I think shes North African but I thought Nessa was desi so idk


I think that the Japanese don't have the same view on race that we do and so most of the time when they are designing characters they aren't actually giving thought to things like that.

And furthering this is the fact that the Japanese themselves have a lot of different skin tones, well even white people do really, Nemona could easily be white, though that probably was not factored into the design either.


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I have been playing a Touhou fan game called Touhou Shoujo Tale of Beautiful Memories, it is a fun rpg game.


a nintendo direct aired today, and they announced a remaster that was literally made just for me
i can finally play (teenage) Ashley's game




well, 3DS online is officially dead. it's a shame because the game I like replaying was balanced off online features. the game isn't on pretendo's list so yeah. it really is the end of an era.


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Last time it was 50% off, but this time it's 60% off and I bought the Miku Diva game that got a PC port.
Sadly I've heard there's no fun interaction stuff in their rooms like previous games, but at least people have been modding stuff into it like songs and stuff. It uses denuvo so there's no way to pirate it. This is the last real Miku rhythm game to me since they now exist as gacha on smartphones. Miku fitness on switch looks fun, though.

That sucks. I hate that. Dragon Quest 10 (or was it 9) on DS had some cool online stuff that is permanently dead as well, like an in-game shop that would change every day. There was really no need for it to be online.


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I've been thinking about trying Sonic P-06 (The Sonic 2006 remake). Has anyone played it yet?


They remade Sonic 06? That's news to me, what could they possibly have done to make it a better game....


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I've been playing Toukiden 2. It's mostly known as an inferior Monster Hunter clone and I wouldn't really disagree with that. Combat is generally very mashy with monsters not doing much most the time, and they made it an open-world game in a way that doesn't really add anything besides padded time running around. On the plus side there's some neat character customization options and the NPC cast is nice. Character design by Hidari with a great seiyuu cast and enjoyable personalities.


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Remembering those posts on /qa/ about it before, I'm trying out Dead Cells right now. I think while it can be perceived as leading to a more time-consuming experience as the game isn't specifically for beating from the start, the roguelite formula isn't one I hate. I like the idea of getting more powerful as you go and the world opening up in a similar way to metroidvanias but different as it's more you're able to use mechanics previously unavailable to you to access different areas and find more goodies per map.

I enjoy the variety of weapons and abilities and I think contrary to what is probably more popular opinion I'm a big fan of the huge weapons that just smack things dead in a hit or two, I always end up getting more greedy when I'm able to get in more hits. And while I heard it was much harder than Hollow Knight, I haven't reached the point where I'd say that's exactly so, and the RNG factor seems to indicate that it can be much easier if you get the right rolls. Like in one of my earlier runs I got pic related and it was tearing through everything, bosses included, then I got a curse on me that made me die in one hit on a trap infested map and I lost it all.

Overall a pretty fun experience so far, aside from curse. I'm never opening one of those again unless there's a REALLY good argument for opening them. Going to see if I can reach the end, if it exists.


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Got my first king kill with this setup, and now I'm able to see the start of the stem cells mechanic that Anonymous was talking about. It doesn't look too insane yet but I'm sure as I go on I'll see what they were talking about when they said the max stem cells seemed impossible. Also this is the equipment I was able to find before beating the hand of the king, was a pretty lucky run I think, especially since I had no forge upgrades.


Ohh yeah Dead Cells is something I've been meaning to play. Did the Castlevania DLC release yet? It has all sorts of crazy tie-ins like Terraria and then Castlevania was announced which was unexpected.


Yeah, the Castlevania DLC is already out. It's pretty tough comparatively to the main game but I'm guessing since it's the latest DLC that's because they're assuming most people have all the upgrades/unlocks and such, which I don't.


Beat BSC2... Game's fun but fairly tough. More than anything it seems like learning to parry is the path to victory, but even then the King's Hand is a pain in the ass to fight, he just recovers so fast and can't even be slowed/stunned. Not to mention the spike pits that chunk your health and you're always pushed into as a punish for healing.


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Time to game Medieval 2.


Current game I've been playing is Lobotomy Corp. It's fun and has a nice difficulty curve to it, but I really wish managing agents was better. You have to tab through different departments for different agents, and you can't simply see your entire roster at a glance which makes it a pain to see the health of all of your agents since their health bars overlap on the map. It's exacerbated when you have dozens of little retards roaming around and you also have to pay close attention to each because they can just instantly die if you assign them to do something at the wrong time (fucking fairies).

For a block game, I've been playing Vintage Story on and off since it got introduced to me through a game night thread. Compared to Minecraft it's got a lot more detail and care put into it, and the actual building of things blows Minecraft out of the water with chiseling being a feature, but there's really only one "boss" so to speak and one dangerous dungeon like area currently. It's definitely lacking in terms of late game stuff, and the "hardcore realism" progression of things might be a turnoff for some (e.g. you knock slag off iron blooms to make ingots and steel is made through a multi-step cementation process). The QOL is top notch and you can open multiple chests/containers at once which is great. No Touhou little maid equivalent mod unfortunately.

Medieval 2 is always a good fallback, and last great Total War game in my opinion. Sure there's Shogun 2 which is good in its own right, but it just lacks the sheer diversity as all the clans share the same unit roster; it doesn't have that kind of replayability. Also it's very moddable which cannot be said for any of the new Total War games.


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Shogun 2 is actually my most played Total War game. The real-time battles feel incredibly satisfying and aren't full of the crappy mechanics that have been plaguing the newer games ever since Rome 2. If they included Korea and maybe bits of China for some variety the game would have been near perfect. Oh, and there is no province system and you can freely move units around without generals unlike the newer games.


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As far as the battles and RTS play goes Shogun 2 is really good, and older TW games let you move units without generals. I don't like the campaign as much since it's all too samey after one or two playthroughs. The clans are functionally identical save for a unit or two and everyone has the same goal of taking Kyoto and becoming Shogun. Whereas in Medieval 2, England plays very different to Milan in both goals—take northern Europe and succeed in crusades vs take the Mediterranean and become the new Roman empire—and unit roster—knights, cavalry, and longbows vs militia, crossbows, and lots of guns.
If as you said, Shogun had more Asian units to fill out rosters it would be a lot better, maybe with Chinese and Korean pseudo-factions who you can trade with that have one or two cities at the very edge of the map over the sea, but really I think it's greatest strength and greatest weakness is its narrow scope. The Sengoku period is a really cool period in Japanese history and good grounds for a Total War game, but because it's limited in scope it suffers due to the aforementioned homogeneity. If we had a Medieval/Rome style Total War game where it spread across Japan, China, Korea, and bits of southeast Asia like the others do for Europe/North Africa/West Asia, it could be great. It would have diversity of cultures and units, and a big playground to take part in if you want to be a map painter and conquer everyone.
Either way it's something we can only fantasize about because Total War games have become hero shittery, Warhammer, and stores to sell more DLC.


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>it's limited in scope
Is it? The invasion of Korea happened before Sekigahara IIRC. It was a fully fledged war between Japan and Korea-China. I could see it work as an endgame challenge in the main campaign or as the setting for an expansion similar to the Americas campaign for Medieval 2.


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>it's limited in scope
Poor wording on my part. I meant for what we have in Shogun 2. Cool period, but it's only Japan sans Hokkaido. Korea technically was on the map because it had to physically be there, but no gameplay significance. It's also worth noting the first Shogun game did have a Mongol invasions scenario where it's a "what if they didn't all die in a storm" alternate history deal. It was a game focused on it's premise and namesake, as such there was no room for anything else.
In looking around I found the Morning Sun mod which basically adds what I think the game needed and goes over exactly what you said here with the Imjin war and adds room for the Ming Dynasty alongside other peripheries like Mongolia and Tibet. It's ambitious and pushes the engine, mainland Asia doesn't have much terrain detail the game cant render settlements and trees far away at the edges of the map due to bugs.


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Steam is just water vapor.
All the orangy bits of the orange juice will be lost in that medium.
So, of course it's free.

Then again, fruit juices aren't really good for you, anyway. Drinking water is best. So, go for it. Just don't believe the advertising.


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How do I git gud at OJ? Most of the time I can't tell what I'm doing. I already own (some) card packs.


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I'm pretty sure the current meta is about buying the DLC with the newest bestest characters, but in vanilla you win by picking Suguri and filling your deck with -def traps and +evade battle cards then playing a super aggressive early game. If you're lucky, you'll rack up enough wins to turn the endgame into a race to home base, if not, you just need to gank whoever is in the lead with your hyper to get enough stars to finish your last norma.

Defense builds are for noobfags who don't understand probability or fun.
The only HP that matters is the last one.
Being able to get kills is more important than being able to avoid kills.
Do the math and always make optimal moves.


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The game is RNG heavy so it's all about stacking the odds in your favour using cards that suit your character. You can look up strategies and card recommendations for each character on the wiki.

>Defense builds are for noobfags who don't understand probability or fun.
Denying unga bunga players Wins is a lot of fun.


It is statistically harder to get wins against evade characters than defense ones. Def only becomes somewhat viable on broken DLC characters that let you stack up like +5 AND have positive attack bonuses. Or on the really bullshit yu-gi-oh ones that let you nope away any wins or stars from killing you.


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You should never play OJ to win because it's an exercise in frustration. Treat it as a bonus because otherwise your plans will get unraveled and you may get angry when something cheap happens. The game is built to support epic comebacks will frustrate you to no end if you take it seriously. Kind of like Mario Kart, but to a far greater extreme.
Also maybe we can try to play together soon.
Use this thread if you want to try to get some games going >>72101


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Yeah I play OJ to have fun. I like playing "objectively bad" characters like Tequila because smacking someone with a +4 attack comeback is too much fun.


Don't listen to these guys. They want you to play shit characters and shit decks so they can use you as fodder to up their W:L ratio. OJ is a game of skill, there's virtually no rubberbanding and the campaign teaches you that you can reliably win even when at a disadvantage if you play smart. Don't let them erode your mental fortitude by getting you hyperfocused on the bad rolls. You don't want to end up the kind of guy who ragequits XCOM over a missed 90% shot.

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