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File:[SubsPlease] Fuuto Tantei ….jpg (415.34 KB,1920x1080)


What are the reasons for the lack of popularity of tokusatsu series among Western otaku? From my experience talking to Japanese people it seems most of them who are into anime beyond watching popular new shows are also interested in tokusatsu, but on the Anglophone side of things it seems to be mostly restricted to /m/ types.


The main thing is that they're long and cliched and it seems like only /m/ can handle long series with cliches


Afraid of falling in love with pink


I mean, they are... but can't the same be said about a lot of other genres? Ask people who don't like battle shounen manga or shoujo school romances why they don't like them and they will tell you the same.


I'd assume because people in the west generally get fixated on "growing up", and toku probably reminds them too much of power rangers.


Most battle shounen at least have the benefit of progressing through arcs instead of doing monster of the week stuff. My impression of toku is that it follows a similar structure to precure, only without the cute girls that make it bearable. If I wanted that, I could get it through western comics and cartoons. I think a lot of people in the west migrated to anime/manga because they wanted progression over status quo.


Fair enough, the Precure comparison is pretty accurate. I think they haven't been fully episodic/MotW for some time, though. Like, the current Kamen Rider is a battle royale thing with an overarching plot divided into story arcs, an ever expanding cast, plot twists and whatnot. And apparently there are a couple other installments like that, including one written by Urobuchi.

>without the cute girls that make it bearable
They have girls who may or may not be cute depending on whether you dabble in the forbidden dimension.


honestly 'cause it's 3D


Outside of Japan (and the Arab world to a lesser extent), the only reason /m/ is the only one with interest in it, is because giant monster media (Kaiju) is a different type of interest than general anime really, and they're the only ones who are also interested in Toku.

Mecha fans tend to have an intersection with Kaiju and really a lot of Asian sci-fi, so I guess that explains it.

Have you ever watched Toku? Aside from the more highly regarded Kamen Rider series a lot of it really feels juvenile in the way it's made for 10 year old Japs.


Also, even in Japan, adult fans of toku are probably the least liked otaku, that says a lot. I've even seen them razzed in hentai


Idol otaku and train otaku would like to have a word with you.


I don’t watch it because I am not a child and I’m sure many others feel the same! I only watch MANime like fushigi mahou fun fun pharmacy.


I like Asian girls a lot but the Japanese beauty ideal can be offputting at times. Obvious plastic surgery!!


toku 'taku


>If I wanted that, I could get it through western comics and cartoons.

I think this is a big factor. Western superhero stuff covers a lot of the tokusatsu themes.


File:[XIG]_Kamen_Rider_29v2_[91….jpg (83.52 KB,640x480)

True, but I only like superheroes when they're Japanese and dressed in cheap spandex suits.


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (424.79 KB,1920x1080)

It might as well be something like bonsai or sushi, something that exists in Japan but has no inherent relation to 2D stuff.
Japan is pretty cool and all, but I'm interested in specific media that they produce; it doesn't mean that I love or am even interested in Japan as a whole or everything they create.
Why don't I, personally, watch it? Ehh, it just doesn't interest me. I only like "villain of the week" stuff with cute 2D girls that provide a far greater level of happy escapism.


What kind of inhuman monster has no interest in sushi?


>something that exists in Japan but has no inherent relation to 2D stuff
I mean, that's the thing - there is an inherent relation, and that's why the overlap in fanbases mentioned in the OP exists, at least in Japan. Countless examples: the creator of Kamen Rider and Sentai also being responsible for Cyborg 009 and other influential manga, the main writer of anime like Death Note and Galaxy Angel (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toshiki_Inoue) being a cult figure among toku fans for his work on the medium, numerous toku references in otaku-oriented shows like Nyaruko and Lucky Star, basically Anno's entire career...



Well, that's people behind the scenes and the stuff is still different. Michael Jordan spent some time doing baseball, but that doesn't mean fans of his basketball antics became baseball fans.


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I love Japan. Period.


>that's people behind the scenes
Pretty big understatement there. It's people with large amounts of creative input, and it clearly shows in their work, like Eva being full of elements and visual cues lifted from Ultraman.

Between anime/manga and tokusatsu there are also plenty of series adapted to/from different mediums like Cutey Honey, Gridman, Sailor Moon, Sukeban Deka, Giant Robo etc.


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Yeah this. It looks dumb when it's live action, which is probably a part of its appeal but it's just not for me. And of course, no cute girls to make it bearable either.


That's a coincidental relationship, not an inherent one. >90% of the anime I enjoy have nothing to do with toku. Unless you're watching very specific sub-genres of anime, they aren't really influenced by toku.


mmmmm donuts


I don't think that's what "coincidental" means. Anyway, the point is: when two mediums share a large part of their early history, common tropes, influential creators, have a significant overlap in fanbases, and were even once called by the same name ("TV manga"), it's safe to say that they have a lot more in common than just their country of origin. This is about the medium as a whole, what is or isn't directly influenced is another matter entirely.


It could be that western otaku are looking for 2D specifically, while Japanese otaku perceive anime and toku as both being commonplace otaku media, part of the same environment.

Take this paper (please forgive me) where a survey was conducted to measure people's opinions on tango. The most significant difference in how Japs perceive the dance compared to Latinos is that they find it to be more individualistic. This gap is huge: on a scale of importance going from 0 to 5, "individualistic" scored 4.1 on the Japanese side, but 1.2 on the Latino side. To understand how much of an abyss of a difference that really is, individualistic is the only value to score less than 2. The next lowest score has a 2.7, which is "alert" again on the Latino side of things, above that it's mostly 3s and 4s. For whatever reason, Japs find it liberating, a freedom that translates into individualism, while on the other side of the fence this association does not seem to exist. If anything, it's the opposite, because you have to cooperate with your partner to do it well. It takes two to tango.

You don't need me to tell you that a good deal of people look towards Japanese media as an escape from western stuff, that's already been stated plenty. Unlike >>109244 I don't think it's about growing up, but coming into contact with material that you initially don't identify as originating from Japan. Kids can understand that the funny drawings are foreign, but western people wearing funny suits is obviously a western thing. No asians there. The more knowledgeable folks who understand toku is a separate thing wouldn't be inclined to look at 3D. It is perhaps comparable to the case of people who jerk it only to hentai and that of those that also like JAV, or how the word hentai as an umbrella term for 2D ero is a western invention in the first place. I believe this reflects the broader situation of westerners and Japs categorizing the same things in different ways, leading to inclusion or exclusion of toku within the otaku sphere.
I myself respect toku, but have never gotten around to watching any of it. I do think it looks cool from what I've seen.

>the Arab world
Wut????? Can I get a rundown on that?


he probably meant something like Aristotle's notion of accidental and essential properties

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