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does kissu read light novels? show us your favorites or what you're currently reading.
it's an aspect of otaku culture that i somehow never got into despite being a bookworm, and i rarely see people discussing novels online. thought i should change that, so i downloaded pic related on my tablet since i'm a NisiOisiN fan and i am already familiar with the anime adaptation. maybe it's not an ideal introduction to LNs but we'll see how it goes.


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I've read both Overlord and Mahouka, neither really intellectually stimulating. The first because I like how Overlord kills off characters and the second because I wanted Onii-sama to bang Miyuki. Let me say I was EXTREMELY disappointed in Mahouka when I kept reading and the sex didn't happen but maybe I should go back to it since where I was at they were set to be engaged because of some rule bending or something and since Tatsuya was biologically engineered or something to be compatible with Miyuki.

Also I've read some chapters of Kino and remember them extremely fondly. If I were to get back into LNs ever I'd probably read that. Although right now I don't really read them as much because they lack pictures for me to look at.


yeah. not many, but I'm reading Ascendance of a Bookworm, Familiar of Zero, Mushoku Tensei, Kumo desu ga nani ka?, and I've also finished Konosuba.
but i want to get into them properly once i know enough japanese that it's not a chore to get through them. I'm sick of reading really bad translated prose, it made me drop Familiar of Zero. Then I'll be able to read that through, and Shakugan no Shana, and maybe the novels that Legend of Galactic Heroes was based on (I think those were just novels though not light novels)


I read the Haruhi ones and it ruined it for me because I imagined them as real people as I do with literature


I started reading Shana but got a little burnt out and haven't picked it up for a while.


Ojamajo Doremi, the little of what got translated. Kino is good, too.
>being a bookworm
What do you read usually? I also like reading, but light novels just aren't really my cup of tea. When it comes to Japanese stuff I'd rather just read manga or visual novels.


One hour a day to practice some japanese, that's about it. Started with dendro (didn't get very far though) and now going through mushoku tensei. I like reading in general but whether I want to read a lot comes in waves for me.
For translated stuff the only one I finished was NHK, it was pretty good. The other one I tried was overlord, writing/translation was too poor for me and the story in general didn't catch my interest.


Yeah, translation is the main issue with LNs (and a lot of novels really). That and kind of being the Japanese equivalent of trashy YA fiction


>That and kind of being the Japanese equivalent of trashy YA fiction
That's okay, I already like trashy YA fiction.


Overlord nails "kuso cash shop-reliant mmo addiction", before they went full fantasy it kind of reminds me of a VR version of Archeage


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i'm having fun reading zaregoto, but since i watched the anime adaptation that covers the first volume of the novel i already know how it's gonna play out. maybe should've picked a different light novel to get into the medium...
i should look into those doremi novels now that you mention them, i forgot that there's a lot of doremi content apart from the main series. aren't those the ones where the ojamajos are adults?
>What do you read usually?
nowadays i basically read whatever i can get my hands on, regardless of genre. i particularly enjoy postmodern novels and old/obscure erotica. my favorite books are 2666 and story of the eye.


>i should look into those doremi novels now that you mention them, i forgot that there's a lot of doremi content apart from the main series. aren't those the ones where the ojamajos are adults?
what non-main series doremi content is there again, there's the LNs, the VN, a bunch of radio dramas, and that 20th anniversary movie, did I miss anything?


and I guess a bunch of licensed games


there's a manga, too

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