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File:__gokou_ruri_ore_no_imouto….jpg (134.32 KB,600x600)


Im sick of finding a imageboard and then contributing lots of content only to have content deleted at random for no rulebreaking reason.
I've tried these


The problem is probably not the site


Lets see...
8moe (mark is the problem because he deletes anything he doesnt like. This is a known fact)
zzzchan (rapeman deletes anything he doesnt like)
seems to me its a moderation problem.


The trick with video game discussion online is that it depends what you're looking for. For a specific game or genre there's generally a "sphere" where the community gathers. But I dont know if there's any good general gaming discussiom online


newgrounds bbs or some discord if you're desperate


video games are for children
imageboards are for adults


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video games are for adults with the time to play them


To be fair, cake/v/ actually is badly moderated. What is or isn't deleted is seemingly determined by RNG.


File:[SubsPlease] Ousama Rankin….jpg (215.97 KB,1920x1080)

Video games are in an awkward position on imageboards. They can be faster than the anime equivalents (ignoring the blog-based ones), but they're often dominated by the culture that came from the 2013 internet war split from 4chan so it leaves people like me uninterested. I'm not offended, the angst is just exhausting.
The option for people like me then is to participate in video game threads that exist on boards not explicitly created for them. Sadly, this is not always a good alternative if you want active discussion instead of people briefly talking about something they're playing.
Strangely, you can go to 4chan video game boards for more level-headed and laid back discussion, which is otherwise the inverse for every other imageboard subject. Personally, I do make and participate in video game threads on kissu, but sometimes you really need the benefit of hundreds of thousands of people for something played by 0.02% if you want something reciprocal.


deletions and bans should be determined by moderator mood and whatever happens to make him mad on that particular day


Honestly I miss the /v/ of the 00's that really did hate things.
Though I do find it incredibly ironic that the 4mods killed themselves killing the culture of "blue /b/" /v/ that was so cynical about games they checked out and turned /v/ largely into a treehouse funclub, only to be rewarded with the only demographic that was left over the self serious types that became the c2014 culture warriors you're referencing.

Like giving Osama manpads to shoot down soviet gunships, thing's come full circle.


on topic sager


This happened with OSRS too


the meme that killed kissu


just dont sage


The irony is they off-topic bump every time.


Kissu was already dead, you just hadn't realized it yet.


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No... you were



File:1681189855715232.jpg (407.35 KB,1736x1764)

pulling the strings from the shadows...................................................................................................................................




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