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I wonder sometimes if the casual conversations I have outside of kissu with others I don't bring to the site because I feel them of low worth would actually be beneficial to talk about on here because I know for sure that it'd probably make things feel more personable.

Like for example, what do you guys think about what we should include in the stream for the next season? Or should we just throw in everything and see how it goes. I usually would expect that to garner only one response from another but maybe going through things here instead of beforehand would be nice.


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It's not too unusual for a dumb or seemingly uninteresting comment to be used as a springboard into something more substantial.
As for the stream? Not sure. I need to look, but it seemed very underwhelming from a glance apart from a couple sequels.


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Man, this issue is old as dust. I think it's mainly two things: worthiness, and retreading.

Like, it's not rare for people to complain about posts that consist of just a reaction pic, how a poster supports/opposes something, or a bump. I think we can all agree those are "empty" because they don't contribute any information (2/3 are a gesture more than anything). BUT ACTUALLY, if you look up <"empty post*" -postur*> on desu, you'll see people applying the term to way more than that: questions, short comments, even full replies! Quoting some dude from /mlp/:
>Nigger what empty posts? There was actual, ongoing discussion in them.
Or this other possible retard elsewhere:
>literally the only thing you wrote in long ass empty post is what happend in movie and saying its bad
So we have a situation where A) people are annoyed by substanceless posts, and B) the definition of "substance" isn't agreed upon. For whatever reason, the threshold for what is worth posting is generally lower on chatrooms than it is on messageboards too, which facilitates some of those cases taking place outside of kissu first.

But the second part has to do with how activity is exponential. So, obviously, if you've gone through a conversation a few hours or even a few days ago, you're not gonna be very interested in restating what you've already talked about. This is a serious problem, because the people who wanted to jump on that springboard are not likely to do so again, it's not gonna get traction the way it did before. Well, that's assuming they're on both platforms, but you know what I mean.

So yeah that's what I think. As for what to include in the season, I replied to the main thread with a couple things that stood out to me, and from the looks of last season's /poll/ it seems other people have also assumed doing so counted as a nomination. Pic unrelated.


All of those things can be useful at times. A reaction image can elevate a joke, a show of support can let an OC poster know his stuff is welcome, and a bump on a crazy fast board can buy time for OP to deliver.

What needs to be kept in mind is that chatrooms are for the people in them at that moment and there's no expectation of them being useful outside the seconds to minutes it takes for the next message to come. Forum posts are for anyone who might be interested in the topic and are expected to stick around forever, possibly even generating responses years down the line if it becomes relevant again. Messageboards are somewhere in the middle; you're talking to everyone who checks the board in a timeframe of usually a day to a week, though it could be hours or months depending on the board. So a chatroom-style post on an imageboard is not going to be relevant to much of its audience for much of its lifespan. It can be anything from "lol"s to template "what was her problem"s, any post made simply to have constant activity just gets in the way of other posts that could still appeal to and act as a springboard for people who weren't there when it was first made.

It would probably be beneficial if more people thought of digital communications formats in terms of their analog counterparts. A chatroom is a casual spoken conversation with a small group of friends. An email is a letter to someone. A messageboard is a bulletin board where you tack up stuff you want passersby to see and maybe scribble responses on. A forum is, well, a forum, people making open statements on-the-record. You wouldn't cover up part of a bulletin board to say "I saw a pretty bird today," but hanging a notice of "anime stream Saturday, nominate in the blanks below" is exactly what you'd put on one. Many posts can also serve their purpose even if they're not replied to.


>All of those things can be useful at times.
Oh, I don't disagree at all, and they don't bother me personally. But it's a recurrent source of frustration for others, which can dissuade posts from being made.
Really, I don't disagree in general, but you're actually making an argument against OP: that the conversation should remain elsewhere because it's not tailored to a board, and that it is indeed of low worth. That part I'm not so sure about. I agree with OP that it could be beneficial, and in my opinion people can underestimate the worth of their ideas, leading to them making it as a throwaway post rather than a new thread, if they post them at all.


The judgement of new thread vs reply is different than post vs. don't post, I don't think it's a sliding scale. Saying "oh, this idea isn't good enough for a new thread so I'll just slot it into an existing one" is harmful not just because it limits the impact of your own idea but because it gets in the way of that other thread's original point and the posts building on it. You're essentially making a smaller notice and pinning it on top of someone else's instead of sticking it on open cork.

I don't know what OP's ideas are or how worthy they are. I'm very much in favor of making silly threads with no expectation of them going anywhere. They keep things fresh and give a reason to keep checking the board. However, bad posts crowd out the good ones regardless of where they're posted and some things just don't belong in this format.


it takes more effort than i'm willing to expend to make a new thread.
If there's any sliding scale, it's the level of commitment I have to starting a discussion around an idea I have rather than just throwing it out there in a blog-format to see what happens.

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