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File:JGen-Naoki-Urasawa-Beethov….jpg (597.41 KB,2048x2048)


Do you like classical music?


Yes, but I think that perhaps I shouldn't.


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy M….jpg (372.38 KB,1920x1080)

Yes and no. I like the climaxes and stuff, but not when it's like 40 minutes of stuff to build up to it


Yes. It's what I listen to on the radio when driving.


I prefer jazz. Don't know much about either though.


I love it. I often wonder if the "best composer of all time" title should go to Bach or Mozart.


File:__plain_doll_bloodborne_dr….jpg (472.63 KB,1294x1517)

Yes Ludwig the Holy Blade is a pretty good song.


>I shouldn't
why not?


I like it, but I wouldn't exactly say it's my favorite. It's a very pleasant style of music and a good pallet cleanser, but on a day to day basis I prefer my music a bit more energetic and experimental.


Does this count?


Big band > Classical


It's great for background music, but if I am actively listening to music then I want something with lyrics instead.


yes, all 500 years of it


hell yeah kapustins great

ill bet you found it from the staffcirc remixes which are also great


I'm not sure if it's really "classical", but I like orchestral music that Shiro Sagisu composes a lot, particularly the music of Neon Genesis Evangelion. Of course, the classics are great too. The soundtrack of Legend of the Galactic Heroes is almost entirely classical (barring the few narration tracks and original music for the show) and it is glorious. Dvorak's New World Symphony is probably my favorite classical work, followed by Gustav Holst's The Planets and Vivaldi's Four Seasons.


The greatest

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