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What do you think are the red flags of short-living websites?
For me it's the .tk (and other freenom domains) and .xyz TLDs. The former because they're free, and the latter is known to have very low initial cost but high renewal cost. I think anyone using these domains don't put any thought into planning the future of their websites.


'free speech' being the biggest




Websites? You mean anchors for torrents and discord servers.


Koreaboos feel like early 2010s weaboos in that they brag about understanding culture/acceptance by Koreans and many want to move there. It's funny to see.


When it's whole byline is that its an 'alternative' to another site. Unless the original site fucks up really badly, and I mean like really badly, it's almost always going to be the more desirable option, because that's where all the activity is.

The inevitable end result is a community populated pretty much exclusively by bitter rejects from the original and various other undesirables.


You say that but still 7chan's corpse ambles on.
And wo would 8chan's if it weren't for some pretty serious inside baseball. The community itself still had life in it, and I say that as someone that personally didn't like what most of its boards stood for.


Isnt that kissu


7chan showed up at the right time and place dropped off dramatically over time, and most of its culture was reabsorbed into 4chan.

As for 8ch, having user-created, user-moderated boards gave it something that 4chan wouldn't and couldn't offer. It carved out its own niche beyond "not 4chan".

Kind of but not really. Kissu's goal wasn't to be an alternative to 4chan, or even to be an alternative to 4/qa/; it was created to provide a dedicated space for a community that didn't have one, and was being mistreated by its current host. So while it did indeed spin-off of 4chan, it's not really in direct competition with it, especially not now.


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Sites created out of spite, I guess, but someone already said that and it's not always the case.
>When it's whole byline is that its an 'alternative' to another site.
I think these are the ones that have the best chance at success if their motive is good. It's extremely difficult to populate a community out of nothing, especially now during the age of discord.
Imageboards that create a nice CSS and sometimes even nice boards, but forget to give people a reason to post there are also very short-lived. It's a shame, too, some of them seem quite impressive, but it's a skeleton without anything else. I'd think the creators would at least make some threads...


Wasn't created out of spite and enough effort has been put into the experience itself to distance itself from an origin concept.
Plus the admin is a genius.


10 years ago I'd call it that, but today they don't really feel alike at all. There are a lot of altchans that throw up a bunch of [series name] threads and somehow expect to compete against 4chan and Discord doing the same thing with more people, but kissu is one of the "you can't do this on 4chan" chans and those are the ones that get decent posters.


>As for 8ch, having user-created, user-moderated boards gave it something that 4chan wouldn't and couldn't offer. It carved out its own niche beyond "not 4chan".
While it may have done that the motivation was the same as 7chan's was back in the day, loudly shouting how you weren't 4chan.
The only difference is that 8chan did that in the aggregate, instead of top down.


I have a vague memory of 7chan causing a lot of furry butthurt. good times


You're right that the subreddit-style board structure wasn't the main draw, but it arose out of 4chan's refusal to serve certain users. 8chan was meant to fill the role the cross-site refugees and right wing armchair activists imagined 4chan was before being told it was a weeaboo site and didn't give a fuck about free speech. The structure was a natural result of the types of people who formed it, as was the post quality. So I do think it served a purpose beyond "4chan but I'm in charge now so everything will be better."


In the beginning 8chan also had /lgbt/ and furry refugees too


Should the director's vision be based on what the fans like?
History says no


People trying to revive dead websites where the original userbase has moved on already. Bonus points for them never having been a part of the original userbase.


>didn't give a fuck about free speech
The rules have always been a moving target. The one thing I really didn't like about moot is he'd do a 180 pivot on enforcement (or outright change longstanding rules like banning announced reports) and then tell you 'well there's always been rules so this isn't a change'.
When the rules de facto changed quite a bit post gamergate it was natural that a whole demographic of users previously served just fine by 4chan would look elsewhere. Like 8chan.
Also ties back into ancient history about 7chan. The issue du jour was different but the principal of what happened is exactly the same.

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