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File:Untitled.png (322.25 KB,642x503)


Probably been forever since the last time you picked up a bullethell isn't it /qa/, go pick one up right now and see how far you can get!


I should replay a bullet hell game, Maybe TH07 or one of the PC-98 games


TH07 is always fun, and easy too.


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Played ESP Ra.De. Couldn't get past the mech and even missed the secret extend....


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I've already 1cc'd Touhou 6, 7, 8, 10 on Hard, and cleared the photo games. The other goals I had (Lunatic 1cc on the aforementioned games, Hard 1cc on 11 and 12) are beyond my skill level and would require significant practice, and I don't like any of the other games.


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Yeah, I'm bad at this genre of games...


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>Probably been forever since the last time you picked up a bullethell
Wrong! I've 1cc'd SA on normal few days ago.




SA is really tough, well done


I'm absolutely horrendous at these games. I tend to focus at specific spots and can't really do a "wide focus view" to actually know where stuff is coming from.
Older stuff that's more reasonable is kind of fun, though. I'd play vid-related with my older brother back in the day


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I played quite a lot of Touhou back when I first got into the series, but jumping back into the games now years later I can't even beat them on easy modo.


Like I said on the video game thread I got BLUE REVOLVER on Steam, but this thread also made me grab Mushihimesama. I'm not particularly good at neither of them but still enjoy grinding. Also a fan of retro shmups, especially the PC Engine ones.


Was wondering why that name sounded familiar to me and sure enough when I searched it with 'black' I found the boss I remembered looking absolutely insane from long ago. In a quality that I could actually see what was happening and not a mess of jpeg artifacts too!
(this was the original video I was remembering: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQZuidKexBQ)

And actually looking at the final boss on the one you posted some of those attacks look even harder to figure out than the one from this...


you ain't seen nothing if you think that's the hardest


Mushihimesama is the only bullet hell I've played to date that actually caused my computer to lag up from all the bullets.


writting a bullet hell outside of a C type language is memory management hell


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Siggghhhh, didn't even reach Jitterbug


I 1cleared Kamui a year ago, and just a month and a half ago I got all the achievements in Sora.
watching a playthrough of this and the enemy designs in it are pretty diverse. Makes me think of Doom. I like the gothic style music.



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Was playing DoDonPachi DaiOuJou, and I really suck at cave games. At least I almost beat the second stage...

Poor quality image because it's a screen capture from my phone since I was playing it on my arcade machine between exercise sets.


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Donpachi is much easier, got all the way to Stage 4 1CC


sets up the formula for dawdawnpatch


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You seriously need wide shot to deal with this in the later stages... It's just ridiculous how easily stray shots and not hitting the oncoming enemies right away will lead to your immediate death.


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ow my tailbone


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ZUN art feels different now...


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Yeah! Also this newhu is pure sex.


Looks like a digimon


very nice haircut marisa has, with her mimi-looking ribbon


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ZUN is reclining.


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So good to see some bnuy representation


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Ditto for Ran. A strong character from very early in the windows generation relegated to background mob for 20 years and completely tied under the shadow of another character. Youmu and Sakuya never got that treatment despite similar circumstances and they stuck around as primary characters. To say Ran got shafted is an understatement and I'm just glad her existence got acknowledged and she got a protagonist spot to boot. If a game was to have her it was going to be this one with the animal theming and everything, so about damn time.


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rab n' dab in the demo
I'm still on the fence on buying the game since people are claiming its really unbalanced and I never was big on the 2P 2hu games anyways.


Any amazing music jump out to you? I've kind of neglected the newest games so I haven't heard the music

Unfortunately she kind of looks like she's wearing a garbage bag there and her hair being tied up like that at the top doesn't help. And the brown streaks in background...


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>Unfortunately she kind of looks like she's wearing a garbage bag there and her hair being tied up like that at the top doesn't help. And the brown streaks in background...
I don't see it, but anyway here are my favourite pieces from 19.


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The Kaguya trilogy.


I really like the old art a lot more than the new art.


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I'm not saying it's a bad design. It just, well...
It reminded me of garbage bags.


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Yeah me too. His pen and paper art looks good, so I don't know why it looks so "off" in the games.


The inherent looseness of pen-and-paper makes you more forgiving of flaws. It's the same deal with cels vs digital, or practical effects vs cgi. When you can see the strings, so to speak, you're more willing to extend your suspension of disbelief to other aspects of the work.


cute and cuddly pic


you can only do so much using the same synth instruments for the past 20 year


Its probably because he uses some sort of digital stuff for the new art.


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>Any amazing music jump out to you?
I like Chiyari and Hisami's theme the most, the rest are alright


she's just the green girl from helck


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Hmm, not quite. The "hair over eyes" thing is pretty great, though. Rune Factory 3 had a great character whose eyes you didn't see until briefly on the wedding day


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I like the china dress with the gloves. I hope she has pretty shoes


I have a feeling the next newhu drop's gonna be big...


Imagine if touhou turned into a gacha





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Imagine if 2hu got an official galge.


Is it good



the neu!hu


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>rune factory
RF had some nice bachelorettes through the series, but I found more attraction in the widowed mothers or older sisters of the romancable cast. The latest being the kitsune Misasagi in 5. Her brother is romancable but she herself is off limits. It's a god damn tragedy that you cant romance the fox and give Hina a little sister. Would have made the game worth it.


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Ah geez, now that you've replied to my post I remember that it was Rune Factory 2 with the eye-covered-with-hair girl.
And yes, the moms and older girls were great. I did hear RF5 made it even worse with more would-be candidates that you can't romance. I didn't really care for RF4's, though. I need to get around playing RF5. I heard DLC was in development so I didn't play it at release, but then said DLC was cancelled which was supposedly going to make a few characters marriable...
I really liked Shino in RF3 and she would have been my choice. The game even gives you a teasing "if only you weren't so young" or something mini-date that still angers me to this day. WHY?!


Double lightsaber kuon

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