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File:one-outs-anime.webp (20.9 KB,736x411)


We're watching baseball today.
One Outs is a gambling/psychological anime from 2008 focusing around the sport of baseball.
Don't naysay it, it's actually exciting.
Many people consider it one of the best sports anime ever made.
It stays far away from those annoying shone tropes.

I'll co-opt https://theatre.kissu.moe/kiss/yukkuri for this stream.
We'll start at 6PM EST


The video quality is not spectacular since it's a show that didn't get much critical acclaim, but should still be enjoyable as a retro and older anime


File:[aRMX] Maoujou de Oyasumi ….jpg (236.5 KB,1920x1080)

Hmm, sounds good. I don't know how you could make baseball more exciting than it already is, though ZzzZzzzzzz....


Yeah, sure, I'll be there.


Okay, but the second they start playing baseball I'm going to sleep.


>We'll start at 6PM EST
how much time between that and the posting time of this thread


like 4 hours


about an hour and 18 minutes from your post, or 11PM UTC


File:[SubsPlease] Level 1 daked….jpg (266.1 KB,1920x1080)

This is wrong, it's >>111453
You can use a time converter thing if you want to see it in your timezone.
Eastern time is -4 UTC


I thought he meant how many hours between the hour I posted and 6PM, which is about 4


Oh oops... yeah you're right I misread it


streamin in 15 min


It has a lot more in common with Kaiji/Akagi than [insert baseball anime], even has the same VA for the protag.


>I don't know how you could make baseball more exciting than it already is, though ZzzZzzzzzz....
With sexual innuendos


Make it a cricket anime


File:C-1689983847419.png (61.81 KB,300x140)




File:[sam] Gin no Saji - 06 [BD….jpg (265 KB,1920x1080)

Pretty great show. It did a good job of making something as mundane as baseball more interesting. Keikaku doori stuff is hit or miss to me, but I think it pulled them off


Good stuff. It strikes a nice balance at doing ridiculous stuff without going overboard, and while Tokuchi is OP mentally and A-tier physically, he doesn't quite manage to steamroll through everything, namely Johnson. Those last few EPs were my favorites.


darn, wish my internet was good. been meaning to watch baseball-akagi


I watched One Outs a long time ago and was nervous it wasn't as good as I remembered. I'm happy that I was wrong - One Outs is still lots of fun.

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