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File:37cc179310ebe10f1f3e89bbee….jpg (529.89 KB,1920x1080)


Can you describe a circle without referencing its circumference?


Couldn't you use the diameter or even radius instead?


An enclosed, 2d shape where all points on it's edge are equidistant from a single point, within the shape.


Yeah, it a shape that looks like the letter "o"


File:__patchouli_knowledge_touh….png (420.86 KB,800x728)

Came into this thread to say this


A circle is a set of points in a plane which are a given distance (called the radius) from a given point (called the center). Nowhere does this standard definition mention the circumference, which is the length of a curve starting at one point on a circle, passing through all other points once, and ending at the starting point.

Maybe you are confused about the words though. If by "circumference" you mean what one might colloquially describe as the outer boundary of the circle, then what you are thinking about, in mathematical terminology, is the circle. The region enclosed by a circle is called a 2-ball. An open 2-ball can be defined as the set of points less than a given distance from the center, and a closed 2-ball can be defined as the set of points less than or equal to a given distance from the center.




It's that big round thing up there.


I know it when I see it.


it's a shape that's pudgy and plump


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