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does kissu watch tokusatsu? what shows have you seen? how would you rank them?


Nope, I've just never managed to get into it unless you count the Power Rangers back in the 90s which was some weird localization/edit of a show. It's just never really been a genre that interested me, although some of the clips I've seen over the years seem nice. Live action stuff in general is something that has to be pretty amazing to catch my interest, whether foreign of domestic. I don't know what it is, I guess I just prefer more, uh, escapist escapism.


It's been a very long time since I watched Toku. I remember enjoying Faiz a lot, even adopted the hand flick the suit actor did for a while..


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Yes, I even made a thread about it a while ago. I haven't seen that much, but I mostly watch older shows. So far I've seen OG Ultraman, Ultraseven, Return of Ultraman, OG KR, V3, and KRW. Currently watching Ultraman Ace, KRX, and the current KR and Sentai.

My favorite is Ultraseven, by a very long shot. I think it's some of the very best episodic entertainment ever made, and I'm a bit sad I watched it as one of my first toku because I think I'll never find anything as good.


I've watched one episode I think, of Kamen Rider. I didn't get into it.


i have a few friends who're super into tokusatsu, one of them even got me to watch the Kamen Rider Fuuto Tantei anime, which i liked, but on the whole, tokusatsu is just one of those things i can't seem to get super into, unless you count Power Rangers, which i did like as a kid


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Fuuto Tantei was pretty awesome.


I think you have to be a little into 3D girls to really get into, non /m/en fans tend to just obssess over Pink.
I have a couple Kamen Riders saved on my hard drive, they're backlogged but /m/ SWEARS they're 8/10s or higher


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Fond memories of Fourze, Wizard, and Gaim. That was a nice time in otaku media and internet space. Coincided with Ika Musume, K-On, and Madoka. Those dreamlike days..


Do you think this poster is alive


Physically yes, spiritually no.


Watched Gridman, Ultraman, Ultraseven, Kamen Rider, Cybercop and Zubat. I enjoyed Gridman, Kamen Rider and Ultraseven most. Just like that other anon said, I enjoyed the more mature themes of Ultraseven and of course the fantastic directing.


Seen all of the Neo-Heisei Riders except Wizard, Ghost, and Zi-O. Also started Kuuga, which I find pretty good, but put it on hold due to time constraints. I'd say W and Build are a step above the rest. The others are all fairly decent as well but it mostly depends on which kind of show you're willing to tolerate. For example, I enjoyed Fourze a fair bit but I could easily see someone finding the more silly high schooler tone to be unbearable.


It really is a masterpiece, isn't it? I know kaiju are probably easier to market to children, but I do wonder how Ultraman would have turned out if they had stuck with Seven's alien invasion plotlines over kaiju. Return of Ultraman had some fantastic episodes, but overall it felt like a noticeable downgrade.

W was my first Kamen Rider, I enjoyed it a lot as well and it seems like a good show for someone curious about toku but unsure where to start, the detective show format makes it pretty approachable. Thinking in terms of another big /m/ franchise, I get feeling it's sort of the SEED of Kamen Rider, so to speak.


Ghost being recommended to noobs is pretty good


Never watched Gundam but from my limited understanding of SEED that sounds fair. Den-O might also be a good fit for that. I've never seen it but from what I've heard it's decently approachable and is the most popular series. Not that W is far behind when it comes to popularity.


Highly popular entry that had crossover success and was many people's introduction to the franchise, but not necessarily considered among the best by longtime fans. Also, pretty boys and bromance, because you can't forget to appease the fujo overlords.

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