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File:image.png (16.57 KB,369x137)


I wish we just abandoned time zones and communicated in unix timestamps


File:[MoyaiSubs] Reiwa no Di Gi….jpg (328.26 KB,1920x1080)

The seasonal stream is starting at 1692482400!


File:lain_likes_this.png (185.77 KB,384x288)


100 million seconds (about 3 years, 2 months, and 1 day) seems to be about the length of a cultural era on the Internet.


Or in simpler units we could call it 52 A.D.U


File:1496575457367.png (905.01 KB,1160x1416)

I think one of the coolest things with unix timestamp filenames is that you're preserving some knowledge just with the filename. Like this Sanae image here. I can't remember when touhou flipside's "fat Sanae" thing took off personally, but I know it was a little bit before I saved this image so I can say it's sometime in early-mid 2017.
I don't think history as a whole will need this specific information, but at some point people in the future people might care about dating specific events and could use such filenames. You can piece together a timeline of events.
I'm kind of surprised news organizations don't try to track stuff down with it, but I guess ignorance of such things is to be expected.

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