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File:aids.JPG.jpg (38.93 KB,714x383)


Is there an alternative to YouTube yet?


no, but there are better ad blockers.

And on a serious note, no. There will be no wide-topic usergenerated content media feed in history other than youtube.


Are you on Chrome or Brave? This isn't happening to me on Firefox with uBlock, it may have to do with the addon gimping going on in Chromium.
And I agree with >>112590, YouTube's scale is absurd. It may die, but in that case I doubt it'll be replaced unless the global shadow lizardmen step in.


File:[Seigyoku] Hyakushou Kizok….jpg (128.69 KB,1920x1080)

Probably not in any way more than stuff like vimeo already is. I don't know why it never took off, it seems to work decently and some clips I uploaded are still there 5 years later. Maybe it had a restrictive upload policy or something?
But, there's stuff like, uhh.. invidious or whatever it was called that are third party sites that load the videos. uBlock Origin and Noscript still do a good job of blocking stuff for me, although I did see some ads briefly a couple months ago. I don't know if that means youtube stopped targeting me for its testing or if those updated to work




>Vimeo's business model is through software as a service (SaaS). They derive revenue by providing subscription plans for businesses and content creators.


You take two financial routes when you run a user-gen content platform.
- Your platform is a service that is for a certain group of people's benefit. Keep small to the people who will pay. [Potential for many since your small target]
- It's fair and you derive revenue from selling impressions or data. Expand rapidly and get it all. [Can only be a few since there's limitted desire for multiple catch-all apps]
Everything else is just different shades of grey


if you mean the youtube webpage frontend, yes there are many
if you mean youtube the platform, there is no alternative because it has the widest ranges of contents of any media website currently exist. other platforms can only serve a certain niche, like twitch, tiktok, or any videos containing licensed musics, but youtube has almost everything, there is no incentive to use any other website with the same format


>Ad blockers violate YouTube's Terms of Service
Well I didn't agree to abide by those terms in the first place, so that's got nothing to do with me. Ads BLOCKED~!


Dont ERP with youtube


TikTok, if you count that.

There will never and can never be a Youtube alternative that offers a similar service to Youtube and succeeds, because Youtube's biggest strength is the enormous existing userbase.


>>112622 cont.
That's not to say I can see Youtube existing forever, but whatever replaces it will have to be a much bigger leap forward that "Youtube with blackjack and hookers".


no and there never will be. any potential competitors immediately get snuffed out.

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