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How I entertained myself in a psych ward:
- You can floss with utensil wrappers, although it's harder to wiggle the wrapper between certain teeth.
- Progressive calisthenics and isometrics are a subtitute for free weights. Jumping jacks and jogging in place for cardio.
- Golden venture and modular origami are like makeshift Legos.
- Repeatedly sketching your hands and feet in different positions.
- Reading. I had someone on the outside donate about 50 books from a thrift store - a lot more than the 10 they used to have. Just make sure they're paperback.


or y'know you could just force yourself into living a lie until it becomes reality.


I read. Socialized


I dreamed about using imageboards, it was weird


File:[SubsPlease] Shiro Seijo t….jpg (223.21 KB,1920x1080)

Oh. Oh, no....
If you need to seek stimulation it would worsen psych issues. Without enough novelty the brain starts to fall apart


I think it depends on the ward. When I was institutionalized they had TV, board games, books, group therapy.
Most of these are setup in a common room to encourage socialization, which is probably why OP did not participate


What did you think was inside?


I went to group therapy. I wasn't trying to imply these were the only things you could do.


That happened to me last year. It's really bad because they had no idea how to deal with people with OCD and did not not even try to accommodate it at all.
Because of how contaminated I felt everything was I never left the bed and I refused to eat or drink for 4 days only then starting to drink some kind of sugar solution they gave me and some kind of liquid meal thing in a bottle.


Wait they don't have any floss in the psych wards? Why not?


Yeah, that sounds terrible. Did they at least get your room in order? There wasn't much to deal with back when I got surgery, but that was a regular recovery room.


Why would they accommodate it? Their goal is to get you out, not to get you comfortable. The outside world is contaminated.


I've had surgery before as well, I don't have a problem with the regular recovery room. The problem was the kind of people in this ward and also that it was not a sterile hospital environment, it was a normal room so it had carpet, a wooden framed bed, wooden furniture etc. I had to get a bunch of bed sheets and cover the entire floor with them as well as all of the wooden parts of the bed.

That's not what their reasoning actually was. They had nobody in the building who had any experience with OCD as that must not be what most people are there for. I came out of there in a much worse mental(and physical) state than I went in.

It's hard to explain these things and nobody in mental health seems to really understand.
I've studied a lot of this stuff in my own time myself so I have a pretty good idea of it and I also know what I need to do and much of that is moving to an environment that I can be at ease at.

You say the world is contaminated and it's true but OCD and mental issues in general tend to compound on themselves. So the more I control my environment and the more at ease in my enviroment I am, the less my OCD will bother me when I do go outside.


The outside world is never going to stop being contaminated, yes, but exposing yourself to contamination all willy nilly won't fix it. As someone with ADHD I can empathize in that if things aren't placed in a predictable way, I'll commonly fall into a series of tangents of getting distracted over how to find it, how to fix its placement, and then how to better organize everything else while forgetting what the point was, so I need to keep a stable configuration to stop this from happening. It's nowhere near OCD, mine is a utilitarian organization, but a leak can still mean hours of fucking around with no real result other than patching it up. Some have taken me months to solve.
It's why living alone helped me greatly, now all is under control. It'll never go away and there is no other way to handle it, the usual advice you get is like looking at someone with depression and telling them to cheer up. Wouldn't be a disorder if it worked like that.
>it was not a sterile hospital environment
Ah, damn. Bed sheets are inventive, I'm glad at least that managed to help.


It's unfortunate you weren't able to get effective treatment, but I guess I'm just wondering what the right balance is between improving your health and making things so ideal that you aren't motivated to leave. Do you think they should have ripped out the carpet and replaced the furniture for you? Or was handing you a ton of bedsheets and letting you go crazy sufficient for that particular issue?

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