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File:alice pantsu.png (484.51 KB,989x719)


When was the last time you made the mistake of pre-ordering a game? For me it was Rome 2 back in 2013. I got burned hard when they released that unfinished mess of a video game.


don't remember ever preordering


Uh... hmmmm... I don't think I've ever regretted it, actually, but I've done it so rarely and the last time I did it was back when there were physical games so pre-ordering actually made sense with limited supplies.
I think my last pre-order was Xenosaga 3, so it's been a while.




I even bought in to the hype with Starbound and bought gift copies for people.


It's hard to remember all the details by now but I'm pretty sure I was super hype about Soul Calibur V so I preordered the collector's edition, but due to some weird postal fuckery it took longer for it to get to me than the fucking regular edition releasing and I was super pissed over that so I ended up cancelling and refunding that order, then going out and just getting the regular version like the 2nd or 3rd day of the game being out.

Also I didn't even like the game. Huge disappointment from start to finish. I actually never preordered another game ever since that day.


>Xenosaga 3
That game sells notably more than the first 2 on ebay.
I still should get around to selling my copy.


I have never in my life pre-ordered a game. When I was a kid it was because my dad was instant on buying games pre-owned (a practice I continue to this day as much as I can), and now that I'm an adult it's because I want to know whether it's actually good or not before I buy it.


I still pre-order games but then I also try to get physical copies of games as much as possible, console games anyway.

I think I only pre-ordered a Steam game once but I forget what it was I just remember pre-loading a game.


i...don't think i've ever regretted pre-ordering a game... i tend to only ever play games that i like
the last game i pre-ordered was the Akiba's Trip 2 remaster that came out like a month ago. i really liked it. the day 1 edition came with the soundtrack cd and some cute art cards (though, the special edition for the first game had better extras imo, i prefer artbooks)
before that was the Etrian Odyssey HD collection, which actually kind of did make me upset, but just because the game by itself costed a lot, and it didn't get a physical release here (for some reason), so i had to import it, which took a while
and before THAT was the Mugen Souls remaster, which i...still haven't actually played, but it's made by the Hyperdimension Neptunia people, and it looks cute, so it's probably good ^_^
now that i type this out, i'm realizing that there are way too many remasters/remakes/ports coming out these days, lol


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Mass Effect 3
Part of it is that I'm still mad, part of it is realizing that even the most sure-fire games can no longer be counted on, and part of it is that it serves no purpose in a digital distribution landscape. Nowadays it's just a way of telling publishers to keep pouring money into deceptive ad campaigns instead making good games because that's what your monkey brain makes purchasing decisions based on.


File:Fallout-Pip-Boy.png (1.69 MB,2527x1314)

Fallout 4. The Pipboy thing sucks. It's worthy of being like $35 in the kids toy aisle. Not to mention the game. It wasn't particularly stunning either.


Yeah I think Fallout 4 was the last straw for me. Like >>112838 it was what made me realize I can't even trust the devs I like.


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I didn't pre-order Fallout 4 but I purchased it on day one without first waiting for reviews which is really just as bad.

>realizing that even the most sure-fire games can no longer be counted on
Exactly my experience with Rome 2. They delivered when I pre-ordered both Shogun 2 and its amazing standalone expansion, so Rome 2 felt especially disappointing to me. I remember being so excited for it and playing a ton of Europa Barbarorum while waiting for the modern sequel to the much loved Rome 1.


I have never pre-ordered a game, however I was able to get Windwaker and Ocarina of Time together after release. I remember it being for pre-order only, maybe the clerk didn't know or he was being kind to me.

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