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Holy hell,


finally... windows python programming...


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (322.77 KB,1920x1080)

But what does this mean?


Can't wait for them to sunset VBA and destroy decades of barely documented code written by people who are long gone on which the entire operational capacity of the company depends on.


they're simply creating new demand


fuck firefox


*boss firefox


Does it even work on anything that isn't 365?


eh? MS office rebranded as 365 so there is no alternative


What? As >>113003 pointed out a lot of companies, including mine, still work on old versions of MS office so as not to break the macros that were created years ago. I still use 2016 office and I know people who still use 2007.


Well of course python won't work there.
Now company has reason to pay someone to rewrite it all in Azure python!


Unless you're working for some huge conglomerate, that's not gonna happen. People in small companies mostly just add to the existing undocumented VBA macros for their convenience and none of us have time to rewrite it in some other language.


figures. But there's always a time. Just like needing new equipment.


>undocumented VBA macros
I like to document such things when I can...


if undocumented decade old VBA macros are bad I will dread the state of things in a similar amount of time with Python


Dont hoard your VisualBoyAdvance macros, people


Didnt people used to make runescape bots with this


Except it was java in excel


Python or Excel?



A lot of viruses are written in VBA which is what the MS Office suite uses for user programming.

So perhaps someone did that and let it print bot statuses to the sheet



Blocked. Hidden. Reported.



As a strong start, future releases of Windows 11 will not only not install the Windows Scripting Host by default, but will deprecate VBScript altogether.
VBA is a whole different issue though.

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