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I'm reading Tiger Mother. That got me thinking about what my parenting style would be like. I'd pay for piano lessons and swimming lessons. I'd have some Draw 50 books on hand and some video tutorials on how to tap dance. Have the kid work through Summer Bridge workbooks. Buy a ton of novels from the thrift shop. What would you do with your (hypothetical) child?


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i fantasize about having a daughter a lot, i like to imagine i'd be one of those parents that's more like an older sibling than anything.
i'd play video games with her, watch anime with her, bake sweets with her, listen to music with her, read to her...


I think books are important so I would provide a lot of fiction and non fiction but then I already have a lot of them anyway.
Other than that and basic good parenting like teaching them right from wrong and to be civilised I would just find what they are interested in and then do my best to encourage it and guide them down a path that leads to a successful career in what they are interested in.


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I've thought many times about what I'd do with a hypothetical child. If it were a boy I'd obviously want them to surpass myself and to do so I'd want their life to be fully immersed in studies instead of drawn to pleasure as I to see what the potential impact such an upbringing would have on a person that should share a similar mind to mine. I'd probably homeschool them for the majority of their early years or when they're older maybe send them to a private school for them to learn things other than sciences. But it'd be most interesting to see how much knowledge I could implant in them such that they get concepts easier as a teen than most anyone else their age would. Then with a world full of only really study as their main source of enjoyment I put them on the path of treating reading as a fun aside instead of social media or tv. Maybe when they're older I introduce them to more complicated games like gsg's or similar to see if they can apply what I've taught them into those. Then finally when they're mature and college aged I'd send them off to expand their wealth of knowledge and have a fun time. Hoping that it all works out to produce a capable adult that appreciates their parent's efforts to raise them right and supports me through the rest of my life as a success.

Were it a girl, I'd probably want to do something similar but in my more locked up heart I'd want to spoil her whenever she appreciated her nice father so that she'd eventually want to be with me all the time and we could have a happy Usagi Drop ending.


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I'd rather not think about it, having a child sounds like pure horror to me.


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The single most important thing to teach would be how to enjoy learning.
A certain naive minimalist mindset has to be encouraged to make sure somebody appreciates the value of something organic, a fruit, a melody or a book, instead of cornflakes, studio-produced songs, expensive unsubstantial videos, which is why I would ban smartphones and smartphone owners from the household altogether. I don't mean this in a spartan way(except for the dumbphone thing), you can drink a glass of coke but be thankful it's not tap water.
There would be plenty of books to encourage a healthy dosis of positive imagination and art books to appreciate and recreate visual arts.
I would encourage piano lessons with the idea of wrong notes being optional steps to right notes; I would encourage improvisation when the effort seems reasonable enough; playing pieces with no hint of a worry for time limits or competitions. I would try to avoid forced exposure to clinically correct ways of doing things because humans aren't robots. I would avoid non-aesthetical subjects like history and sociology except specific anecdotal history(which thinker(artistic innovator) lived where at what time).


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I know I'd be a terrible parent because I could never punish them, like sending them to their room when they're violent or something. Even if it's part of the development process, it's just hard for me to accept doing that. Then there's the thing where parents tell kids how they should act instead of how the parent acts. I would need to tell them to go make friends and not spend all day on the computer and otherwise have "don't be like me" lessons. I'd definitely have to be the "cool" parent instead of the responsible one, so I'd need my hypothetical wife to do that part. It's really not something that can or will happen.
I really do get strong fatherly urges sometimes, though...


I would have to read parenting books. I know nothing about the topic, all I know is that I would never hit them


I used to think all the sexist stuff meguca would write about Pochi was hot in a way, otaku gangbanging a female artist while saying sexist things is kimoi but intriguingly so


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I would probably give them too much freedom and choice. I'd let them do what they want and suffer the consequences of their poor decisions, only stepping in to prevent serious physical damage from occurring. I'd also try to explain multiple viewpoints on topics so they don't take my perspective as fact. I'd also try to engage with the things they enjoyed so we had more common ground.

However, I'd also probably get really disappointed if they used that freedom to substantially stray from my own positions and wallow in despair at how much time I wasted for nothing. This pessimistic expectation is pretty much what has kept my fatherly urges in check for so long.


uhh did you mean to post this in that one /jp/ thread...


Congratulations! You're now pregnant!
Congratulations! You're now pregnant with triplets!


I think most of that is fine apart form the avoiding history part. History is far from non-aesthetical and it's also probably the most important subject to study if you aim to do anything creative or imaginative.


By history I mean the school subject mainly, but I would go further and say learning the history of the social environment can be counterproductive; I would rather not know or teach how much industrial pollution has been in the local air(which made the people more stupid) or how much hunger and pain forgotten people endured for insensitive ideas. However, there is no requirement for topics like the failed exploration of the arctic Northwest Passage or the impact of Chopin's death on his colleagues in the general school curriculum yet it's the small pieces which make up an unfathomable yet circumstantially enjoyable puzzle.


That kind of thing is important as it shows the views and mentality of other cultures and it provides context to those views.


But I haven't even had my first period!


I would gaslight them and mix truths with falsehoods in a 3:2 ratio

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