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With such a high output of pornographic content in Japan(and cultural neighbors) and the US(Cartoon or 3DPD), why do people settle for anything less than exactly what you want? If you just look a bit harder you can find basically anything. With a bit of messaging you can find someone who will erp or you can find an artist putting out something interesting.
Yet we settle with these AI generations which put together lower quality outputs with minimal effort? Is it novelty, an outlet for creativity when you don't want effort or something else?


For ERP, finding a dance partner on your schedule that likes exactly what you want is very difficult


File:[SubsPlease] Eiyuu Kyoushi….jpg (283.26 KB,1920x1080)

I've been messing with stable diffusion model merges for almost a year now because my fetish/preferences don't get much material at all. We're talking "second page on ex is four years ago" territory, or if you combine them then there is maybe one to two doujin in existence at all.
I'm not a furry, so I don't have a six figure income to amass commissions.

As for the "minimal effort" thing, I think you underestimate how this stuff is best used. People aren't aware of how far this tech has come if you have the right setup and dedication.
You can have a setup in which you're talking to a specific character with a text LLM and it can interface with SD to generate an image based on the text that was said, although realistically it's better to put your own prompts in there. I can prefill the prompt with the girl's traits (or more specifically a LORA), so it can just read 'beach' and generate her when we're talking at the beach. Eventually, she will also be voiced. (there's also a Live2D extension already)

It definitely won't be as good as real art, but it's not meant to be.

ERP with other people? There's no way I can do that. I'm on anonymous imageboards because it's so hard for me to talk to people. I've typed words to AI I would never, ever type to a real life human.


As >>113569 said, you can't quite find anything. Some combinations are just not popular at all (like futa x toddler) or are reaaaally specific fantasies, the kind of thing you'd find not so much in the profile of an experienced artist but in someone's vault of weird doodles on DeviantArt. Some people also want to keep not just their ERP but even their prompted images private (including SFW), it makes for a different experience.

Please don't talk like that.


People go through so much effort to make a machine spit out a close approximation of the specific thing they want when it's much easier to just write it yourself and get exactly what you want. Makes no sense to me. At least with ERP you get to know you're stimulating another person and have the potential to be exposed to new lewd ideas.


ERP requires socialization.


i don't know if you people are trolling or baiting or whatever but with ERP, finding a partner that'll play along with exactly what you want and also has the same schedule as you is really hard
and that's also ignoring that it's just less embarrassing to ERP with an AI chatbot than with another person


>I'm on anonymous imageboards because it's so hard for me to talk to people. I've typed words to AI I would never, ever type to a real life human.
Damn it, now you've got me curious.


If you're doing ERP at all, you're beyond the point where you should be getting embarrassed about your behavior. Also, talking dirty to an overpriced GPU is way more pathetic than doing it with an actual human being. It's like the difference between having sex with a girl and a sex doll. One may save you from having your tiny peen laughed at, but the other isn't something you can talk about period.


But I don't have sex with anyone


And you shouldn't. Sex is a tool of the devils used to lead good kissutans astray.


>Also, talking dirty to an overpriced GPU is [...] pathetic
I disagree with that alot


>One may save you from having your tiny peen laughed


>and have the potential to be exposed to new lewd ideas
I think that powerful AI like Claude actually have great potential for doing exactly this. Their database and prior knowledge is so great that if you let them go on for a bit they'll be sure to generate something that you probably never even thought up yourself. Like I did many times with my stories I crafted with it. Sure, there's a general narrative I have it follow, but it's more like being a dm than anything sorta.

I encourage you to try it out if there's ever another crack available. It's remarkable how far it's come. If you just look to NAI then you're sure to be disappointed.


That's just monkeys with typewriters. It's not actually picking a path it thinks is hot or even trying to get you horny, just spitting out a bastardized amalgamation of the fetishes real people have written about.

People are always gushing about "how far AI has come" but voice synthesis is the only thing I've seen used to create something decent, and that's just creating an asset library that humans have to mold with their ideas.


And yet the monkeys with typewriters are able to write out something nice consistently (when they're not constrained by their handlers). The whole point of the analogy is that if you try again and again, they'll eventually get it right, but that's not what's happening. AI is proving itself a grand tool for narrative construction and allowing you to build out a story with an (albeit fake) partner.


The point of infinite monkeys is that they type stuff out with pure randomness. AI is a black box but it's still based on patterns and frequency, which makes for a drastically different situation.
Yes, it is a bastardized amalgamation without a grasp of real grammar just like it fundamentally lacks a grasp of anatomy, but it's not right to call it random.


I mainly use NAI to help me because I cannot write dialogue to save my life


The point is that there is no intent. A monkey's brain is a black box, but it's still based on patterns that are making it press those specific keys in that specific order. The only difference is that the units of construction are larger and more dynamic, so there aren't so many technically incomprehensible results. Monkeys with flowcharts.


often find myself hooting and hollering like a wild monkey whilst aggressively tugging my ween to AI generated shabs

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