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In a world in which extremes are constantly spotlighted, what does it take for media to be truly 'edgy'?


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i was just thinking about this to myself in the shower. there really isn't any media i can think of that i can genuinely call "edgy", as in "something on the fringe (or edge) of being socially acceptable". anime/games/manga tends to have content that people outside of the niche seemingly have inherent moral opposition to, like the amount of sexualization present in a lot of stuff, but at the same time, nothing i can think of where that would be present really strikes me as being "edgy", like i wouldn't call Senran Kagura or Hyperdimension Neptunia or Gal*Gun "edgy".
part of it could be that my personal perception of "edgy" might have warped by the "cringe culture" phenomenon of the mid-2010a, where people called anything adjacent to what i would describe as goth or emo as "edgy", when i really wouldn't describe either of those subcultures as that.
would being part of a counterculture, as in, a subculture that goes against the current political/social establishment count as being "truly edgy"? i almost want to say anime and otaku culture will always be counter-culture, at least where i live in the United States, since both major political parties and people who have adjacent morals and beliefs tend to despise most things that are near commonplace in anime/otaku culture. for example, everyone hates lolicon and moe aesthetics--the Right hates anything that promotes sexual degeneracy and hedonism, the Left hates anything they deem problematic, redpilled types think japanese cartoons are some psyop that's hypnotizing western men into being less manly, Moralfag types hate anything that bothers them for any arbitrary reason. people on the internet relentlessly bully people for having anime pfps, and internet artists and critics tend to use terms like "anime" as a derogatory.
...the last bit of my post became a weird socio-political vent/rant, so disregard that if you want, but i feel like for something to be "edgy" nowadays, it'd have to be genuine about a message that a lot of people would be morally opposed to, like "escapism/yandere/lolicon is good actually" or something. or really, something that's just being genuine in general, since a lot of younger people have really bad irony poisoning and can't really seem to respond well to someone/something being genuinely happy about something.we desperately need a new anime where the yandere main character is always presented as in the right and wins


>redpilled types think japanese cartoons are some psyop that's hypnotizing western men into being less manly

This has been co-opted by wumao lately, who say it's a psyop to make young people like China and NK less.

But I disagree, it's very popular in the US and you're having confirmation bias about it being heavily disliked


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We're in a subculture where doujins about insect NTR exist and are semi-popular, nothing is shocking anymore and edgy is pejorative now.


I think the main thing is suffering, but not just that, pointless suffering. Worlds that are dark for the sake of being dark without really conveying a deeper message.
I mean, there's people who'll tell you that Berserk and Madoka are edgy, so standards clearly vary, but I think we can agree something like Redo of Healer where the whole point is for the MC to go back and torture people is 100% edgy. Edgelords are also stereotypically the ones that'll tell you about how nothing matters, that humans lives are worthless, or some dumb shit like that.
That's, uh, an interesting rant, but I doubt it was necessary to make it political like that. It's not even about the counterculture, otaku will tell other otaku that this or that is edgy without any outside interference. I think OP was referring to the constant presence of things like school shootings, terrorism, and genocide, rather than people's political opinions. The point of people being morally opposed to edgy stuff is because... it often is bad. Yandere aren't nice, they're very mean, very rude, in my humble opinion.


90s edginess where it's uncomfortable just to watch is very rare


This is one of the only things I can think of that is "edgy"


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>it's very popular in the US and you're having confirmation bias about it being heavily disliked
maybe not heavily disliked, i assume most people just wouldn't care, just people who are very ideologically/morally captured would probably not like you if you liked certain things. but also, maybe where you live plays a factor. i wouldn't say i have confirmation bias...

>Yandere aren't nice, they're very mean, very rude, in my humble opinion.
have you tried just not having eyes for anyone else? worked for me. Yandere love you! Just let her love you!


I think the more cultural reading of edgy is interesting to think about, like the Simpsons when it first aired. Edginess is purposeful and useful as a vehicle to express critiques of society or make social commentary. Like I'd call Zetsubou Sensei effective and good edgy.


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Anonymous, you gotta get your pictures right if you don't wanna make her upset.....
Yeah, but in that case 18th century Romanticism could be considered edgy because it goes against the Enlightenment or something like that, and at that point I think you've diluted the word's meaning by equating it to countercultural. >>113994 and >>113995 are grotesque (literally the VN's name), that's what I see as the core of edginess. As I understand it, what the Simpsons does is bring down the clean classical sitcom, and it's provocative, but I think something like The 120 Days of Sodom is much more appropriate in both book and movie form.


Vndb has a crazy tag list, which suggests VNs are the edgiest medium


I don't want to derail the thread, but I was under the impression that these types were drawn to Japanese stuff, at least on a superficial level, as a natural consequence of the idea that "all modern Western entertainment is just political propaganda".


That mostly gets rebuffed with "Japan is a vassal state" and to be fair that is a bipartisan view


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Its just an interest that doesnt correlate to any political view.


This should probs be ported to the energy drinks thread as well as my comment, but I'm sick of having to hunt the only flavors I like of these things down with such struggle. They're always on the very bottom shelf if a store does carry them, and I can't find Miami Cola or Guava Grape over the overly sweet flavors.
Fuck Monster in the ass for sueing them.


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Do you define "truly edgy" as something that addresses dark aspects of society that the rest of people intentionally avert their eyes from or something that features gratuitous suffering purely for the shock value?

If you're on the right and like anime, it's a great medium untainted by western degeneracy and hated by liberals who can't control it.
If you're on the left and like anime, it's affirming of your alternative lifestyle and hated by the right for being immoral.


>Do you define "truly edgy" as something that addresses dark aspects of society that the rest of people intentionally avert their eyes from or something that features gratuitous suffering purely for the shock value?
Neither of those is really sufficient - a serious well-executed social commentary isn't usually going to be called edgy, and neither is a comedic gore-fest. An edgy series would be more like one that has the MC go on a brutal murder spree and presents it as if he is heroic for doing so.


I'm afraid of an afterlife just being uncomfortable weird shit like this or vid related


Edgy is a part of emotional spectrum. It's somewhat the opposite of comfy. It's goes with conflict, tension, stress, activity. You know, feeling on edge?
It's not strictly about extremes I think. Anyway I think this track is pretty edgy.


If you keep adding your own conditions to make it harder to qualify, then the answer is no, there will never be anything you think is edgy again.

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