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File:88451172_p0.jpg (6.05 MB,2480x3508)


Please talk to me about something.


File:[Serenae] Hirogaru Sky! Pr….jpg (172.36 KB,1920x1080)

Elle-chan? Do you want to talk about Elle-chan??


Do anything cool day


File:91017316_p0.jpg (6.46 MB,3894x2580)

You wouldn't like what I have to say.


File:[SubsPlus ] Helck - S01E10….jpg (166.76 KB,1920x1080)

You don't like Elle-chan?!?!?!


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File:[Serenae] Hirogaru Sky! Pr….jpg (220.14 KB,1920x1080)

Oh. Well... you know what they say, the only people that don't like Elle-chan haven't seen her show!


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (260.22 KB,1920x1080)

How do you feel about tomatoes? Do you want to talk about tomatoes?


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They're likely my favorite vegetable. I think just about any kind of breakfast deserves to have some in there. I like them so much that when I was little I often had sandwiches with nothing but tomatoes in them.
But they're only remarkably good when they have a nice amount of lemon and salt put over them. Otherwise, I think they actually come near mediocre. Not terrible to have still, but they only really shine for me with those two little additions.
My favorite type of them are I guess cherry tomatoes. It's so nice because you get to just throw it in your mouth like a grape and have it explode inside, which feels absolutely great with how juicy they are. It's hard to go back to the usual sliced tomatoes after having the experience.
And yes, vegetables. I don't agree in the slightest with them being classified as fruits, that's just retarded no matter how scientifically correct.


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (380.25 KB,1920x1080)

Yeah, tomatoes are pretty amazing. I'd eat more of them, but unfortunately I get heartburn from them these days. I grew them for the first time this year >>110293 and was amazed at how prolific tomatoes are. It's no wonder they feature in so many shows when it's such an easy and fruitful plant. Italy really was a spoiled land of bounty, huh.
I'm not a huge fan of cherry tomatoes because of the seed/skin to flesh/juice ratio is pretty bad, but I'm someone that's sensitive to food texture so it's not surprising, I guess. I probably should have tried more recipes with them, like grilling/air frying them, but overall I was just not impressed with cherry tomatoes. Really fun to grow them, though.


>Italy really was a spoiled land of bounty, huh.
Actually I just looked it up and tomatoes are from Mexico originally. Huh, I just assumed it was Italy. I guess that's why salsa and stuff exists, huh.


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>I'd eat more of them, but unfortunately I get heartburn from them these days
Shame. You could try chopping them into cubes and adding them into meals in small amounts, if that's not enough to harm you.
>I grew them for the first time this year
That's pretty cool, growing stuff is complete magic to me because I've never been outside of urban areas. Did they come out nicely? Must be pleasant to eat the stuff you've grown yourself.
>I'm someone that's sensitive to food texture so it's not surprising
The texture of tomatoes in general really mess with some people for some reason, I'm very picky myself but I never got why.
>grilling/air frying them
That's heresy to me. I can't touch fried vegetables without wanting to gag. What even is the appeal to them other than being slightly more nutritious?


File:[mudabone] Hidamari Sketch….jpg (363.46 KB,1280x720)

I eat tomatoes like the steward of Gondor.
Tomato banzai!


What is your favorite fast food place? I really enjoy going to subway and going to the gas station next to it and getting a mtndew purple thunder.


Do you have any opinion on the country of belgium. I'm weirdly fascinated by it because of its linguistic split being so unique


Aside from a local Chinese joint that I eat at so often I'm becoming friends with the ownership, probably Wingstop


there was a sports bar near my work that had half price wings on wednesdays which i think contributed to their going out of business
so many flavours of wings
i liked to dip the dry ones in the sauce left over from the wet ones and dip the wet ones in the powder left over from the dry ones


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Opinions on edgelord women?


Often can dish it but cant take it


File:e6b1c0ed96c1735848f8b823e5….png (523.49 KB,1024x898)

True and watching them get flustered is very cute.

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