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File:(Hi10)_Hidamari_Sketch_x_H….jpg (312.16 KB,1920x1080)


Continuing from >>105100, I'll be streaming Hidamari S3, Hoshimittsu, its specials, and SP. It'll be eight episodes on Friday and eight on Sunday, at 6PM EST as usual.
It'll be lighter than last time, but still, remember to take a nap and drink some coffee beforehand.

Right here: https://theatre.kissu.moe/kiss/widehall


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (232.64 KB,1920x1080)

Sounds great! I don't think it's possible for me to get enough sleep to fully survive a Hidamari marathon with my cognizance fully intact, but it's a price that must be paid.


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Tomorrah...! zzzzzzz


I hope I can get a lot of sleep tonight, because I'm a bit sleep deprived. Or, maybe if I can survive tomorrow's stream I'll make up for it and sleep for about 20 hours afterwards.
Hmm, yes... this should be interesting


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Yeah, I'll try my best but don't know how well I'll be able to stay up...


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I will try to take a nap now in preparation... maybe I should have watched some previous episodes


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Four hours!


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One hour!


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I'm here and I will be square


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I survived episode 1, but I can see the path ahead...


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starting to feel it...


do some jumping jacks alongside the girls!


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I did... it..
thank.. you... for... str...ZzzZzzZzzz....


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Madamada yo!
Don't forget, we'll continue with the next four eps and the specials on Sunday. It's gonna be good.


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Four hours!


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One hour!


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Starting on the hour!


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I got 11 hours of sleep on Friday. I was sleep deprived, but I also think Hidamari played a role


Here's to another good night's sleep.


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lil bit of QUALITY that stood out to me


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gonno poke


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AMAZING! Sensei truly is the best character


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yuno: bulllied for being short
sae: bullied for being flat
hiro: bullied for being fat


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Alright, that was all, thanks everyone for coming. Maybe in like a year we'll do Honeycomb and the graduation special, we'll see, we'll see.



Bullied for being a bully and bad influence!


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