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File:112027007_p0.jpg (408.96 KB,1464x2048)


You ever notice, that in almost every subculture based around media, that consumption on your phone is considered a faux pas. Which I get it, its hard to appreciate stuff made for a larger screen or even movie theater on a little cell but it feels great to watch things in bed


I watch stuff in bed on a laptop


I have an OLED tablet that I use almost exclusively to read manga and watch 4:3 content, it's amazing.



You could extend this to anything but a theatre system


Why is Powah so cute...


Cuz tarded


that's zero two from darling in the franxx


David Lynch is a hack and he has never made a good film in his life.
Eraserhead sucks
Dune (1980s) sucked.


Shut the FUCK up andy.


Playing games on the bed is peak comfy

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