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1700000000 approaches in ~8 days. Where has the time gone... It feels like just yesterday that /qa/ was celebrating 1500000000


File:1696335772088.gif (48.86 KB,525x316)

I can't believe that in the year 2038 it'll die.
That's fucked up.


File:1500000000114.png (29.13 KB,108x169)

Time goes by pretty fast in some ways while slow in others. These past few years have felt a bit slower to me so if you asked me and I hadn't been paying attention to filenames I'd probably say we were still around 160xxx.


File:[MiG_MuX] Pripara NCOP - 1….png (2.58 MB,1920x1080)

Vermin should disable the post cooldown on that day so I can get a perfect 1700000000000


File:1500000002952.png (8.73 KB,400x400)



File:[SubsPlease] 16bit Sensati….jpg (253 KB,1920x1080)

It's happening in about uhh... 22 hours? Who wants to aim for a GET? (although it will be nearly impossible)


I could try, but the margin between posting and when it's uploaded has some pretty large error bars and I don't want to spend my afternoon testing average/median response time for a set filesize. I did that a while ago, but I forget the results.


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (350.67 KB,2400x1080)


widened yume???


File:waterfox_AAqAxWUfiz.png (7.16 KB,362x158)

It's happening fairly soon!



File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (328.54 KB,1920x1080)

Here was the /qa/ thread for 15**! Who's that pink-haired girl?


File:e4b12a153516b37a63b8719239….jpg (172.77 KB,500x500)

Did I GET it?


File:Elizabeth_manga_chapter_3….webp (106.38 KB,412x636)



Happy 1.7 billion (or even 1.7 quadrillion, if you're a microtime lad like current 4chan filenames) seconds, Kissu.
Like OP said, the whole 1.6b era has not been so cromulent compared to the 1.5b one, if I'm quite honest. I admit I mostly stopped using imageboards half way through it, largely because of increased internet security at work and new responsibilities as a programmer, which ended my semi-NEET existence.


File:[SubsPlease] Spy x Family ….jpg (233.87 KB,1920x1080)

I took too long searching for an image!


I got pretty close at least


Thinking of throwing a party with my local user group


not bad bro


File:[SubsPlease] 16bit Sensati….jpg (286.84 KB,1920x1080)

xx675 is REALLY good!
The images that were closest on 4chan with its tens of thousand of people posting were closer obviously, but not by a whole lot.


File:tsukasaeats.gif (206.39 KB,200x200)


File:ee399462813152c8767e7066c9….jpg (2.64 MB,2894x4093)

I posted like 1.5 seconds before the countdown reached 0 to account for my slow-ish internet. Also thanks for the background change, I feel cool now. The 1800000000 GET will be Tsukasa's for sure.

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