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How does kissu manage their passwords? I used to use a password manager (KeePass) but I thought someone figured out the master password and got my keyfile when I was having a psychotic episode. Now I'm writing them down in a notepad, but the list is getting long and it takes a while to find the password I'm looking for. I also don't have the memory for a bunch of xkcd-style passwords (https://xkcd.com/936/) even though they are a good alternative to honestly answering security questions.


Keepass and password managers like it are the best option, if you're ultra paranoid about it, just use a physical key with it.


I forgot to mention I usually just keep the KeePass window open in the background while doing stuff...


I use KeePassXC. A while ago I was thinking about setting up a Bitwarden server, but I haven't really had any reason to do so.


I just use my mom's birthday for everything so I never forget it. Work makes me change them all the time, though, so I have to write those down on post-it notes...


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I have a notepad in my room with the more important stuff, but I also have it memorized. For less important stuff I have some of them in a notepad text file with missing information that I know that others won't. Maybe I should get a password manager thing, but I never felt like setting it up


if your password on lichess is:
and someone figures it out, the cracker now knows how to crack the rest of your passwords


Ehh, it's nothing like that. They're really not related to each other at all, but yeah that does make sense. the sites they're for isn't even listed in an understandable manner for people that aren't me, but maybe if they did a bunch of detective work they could find some of them. I just don't care about this sort of thing much because they don't really have any great value to me sentimentally or monetarily



I just use KeePassXC and generate unique passwords with maximum entropy since I'm too lazy to write them all down, but that's a really good idea and I will look into it.


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Brave browser automatically remembers my password,if i wanna log in to my account to a website a thing will show up and it will put my information in and i log in.


I'll probably start using a password manager this/next week for some server credentials. Dunno what to pick though.


Just don't pick an online one. Don't believe their lies that they're unhackable and secure.


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I only remember 3 passwords, a short one for random websites I don't care, a longer one with variation for more important accounts, and a third one for things that never leave my computer.
It's not like passwords work anyway because they're moot when you're under gunpoint.


but what about those people who say that google managed passwords are better than self managed...


multiple master passwords is a great idea


Why does firefox always ask to save my passwords if it never works when I need it autofilled?


I have a notebook for important stuff I rarely have to use like logging in to my ISP's web portal to pay the bill. But I rarely have to reference it after I use the password more than a couple of times. I make passwords using lists of random uncommon words and substitute numbers and characters for letters along with randomly using the shift key. For shit I don't care about I just use short passwords because I don't care if someone gets into the account. That said it has never happened in the 30 years I've been using the internet.

For _really_ important stuff like ssh logins I don't use passwords at all anymore. root accounts are disabled and I generate a public key to access such things. I don't fully trust TLS but it keeps the bot from filling up my log files with BS.

Last but not least I have some encrypted thumb drives hidden in various places that are unlocked with a long master password. Some of those have a txt file with list of important accounts+passwords contained on them.

For logging into my encrypted PCs/HDDs I use a key file on a thumb drive. Insert thumb drive into usb port. Boot. Then pull it back out. Stays in my pocket all of the time or is hidden in safe in a location not in the same house as the PC when I won't be using them for awhile. Aside from my laptops all my PCs run 24/7 unless I'm going on vacation or something. In which case I unplug them and store them at a friend's house until I return.

Because modern websites break anything and everything possible so glorified CSS monkeys can justify 100k year job. There are no longer real web standards.

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