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File:c73329312484a8e5ea4fe2339d….jpg (9.92 MB,4638x6576)


Do you ever get that "moe moe kyuu~n" feeling when watching anime or reading manga/VNs? Like, are there any characters that are just so dang cute that you start giggling every time you see her?






Any rabbit girl makes me feel funny inside


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I mean, Miyako. It's Miyako.
She's such an infinite well of unhinged genkiness that I can't help but love her every time she pops up, even when she's :D'ing in the background. Each time she reacts in a way totally unlike the rest of the cast, doing something completely out of left field but perfectly in character, or generates a mini-clash with her unfettered will, it invariably elevates the scene into something greater. She's just the best, and it's impossible for me to tire of her.


File:Utawarerumono.S02E10.False….jpg (236.85 KB,1920x1080)

moe moe kyuu kyuu
doki doki


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File:[SubsPlease] Buddy Daddies….jpg (250.37 KB,1920x1080)

I think Miri is the recent girl that filled me with strong moe~ feelings. That show really did a great job instilling the desire to protect and pamper.


Maybe Yasuna?


From Kill Me Baby?


retard moe

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