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 No.125141[View All]

mamoru blog
1634 posts and 321 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Is this meant to be bait?



I'm just confused why you think Europeans don't invest. I'll ignore the 1st world part because the other guy called you burgerstan first so it's only fair.


because EU stockmarket returns are weak and you said that doing taxes for stocks is significant.


Also employers reporting the salaries of people isn't done here. There's no centralized documentation of what people take in, in part because there's a lot more freelance/small businesses.


Going to work


made heroines go ooo


ate instant noodles with deer meat


shika shika


Going to work today


>Me, the same girl who hates all those prim and proper heroines, got reincarnated as the villain in the world of my favorite fantasy dating sim!
When's the next seasonal thread so I can blech at this


Going to work


I colored 9 pages today


nine pages of what


I distro hopped again


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Did you stay in the lines?


rabbit time


Going to work


oh, forgot to make a thread this month. oh well


better late than never


Going to work later


just got back from work


Will be going to work today.


randomly received a strong urge to purchase nintendo products


Nintendo isn't real


Going to work


there was a white-haired oji-san lifting 130 kilos at the calf raise machine
asked him how long he'd been working out and he said 20 years pretty impressive


I half tidied my PC room


Every artist I follow on Twitter inevitably ends up being a teenage girl, or posting her feet, or both


sick blog


thought it said half tiddied


you just have really good taste in art!


after about a week i have stopped pooping blood


vold as heck


>Joker: Folie à Deux
Did people actually know this was being made...


yeah and I was going to watch it to form my own opinion but hearing all about it alongside spoilers and such make me feel like it's probably not worth going to the theater for


i try to stick my head in my sand but still heard all about it so no desires to see it at all
the first joker film wasn't even that good


No, I hadn't heard about it until all the talk about how bad it apparently is. Seems there's been a whole bunch of DC movies releasing, like whatever the hell 'Blue Beetle' is, that have thoroughly bypassed me (not that I would've had any interest in watching them anyway I suppose).


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today I learned 4chan bans for racism


Always has done, or at least it's been a global rule for as long as I've used the site. The actual enforcement of it varies a lot though: you'd have to get very unlucky to cop a ban for racism on /pol/, but bringing that kind of discourse (more so the throwing around slurs and going on off-topic rants, not just having casually racist attitudes) to the more mild-mannered hobby boards is generally not going to be received well.


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>The actual enforcement of it varies a lot though
Don't want to get into specifics since this isn't a place for that, but yeah it surprised me since I ran under the assumption that it was in the same bag as trolling where they didn't give a toot.
And I know better than to shit up hobby boards, unless the hobby is getting mad at video games. I just wanted to blogpost about my misfortune because I thought it was interesting they actually did that, or at least that mod, and small part in wanting to vent frustration at opaque moderation.
Either way I'm a bit grumpy because I had a longpost on /jp/ that I cant send for a few days.

Anyway, has anyone played or done anything interesting lately?


out of all the bans I have ever received none were ever for the reason being specifically racism, this including posts I was banned for which contained slurs even.


found batteries and now my mouse works again


rubbing alcohol is so useful! i wipe it on everything



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Visited the Chinese place in my town and really hit how much of a sad state it's in. It used to be a cool spot and packed full most days. Clean, buffet had a great selection of stuff, and they had this homemade banana pudding that was to die for.

Then since all the lockdowns they closed the buffet and had this huge garish plexiglass wall over the counter separating the dining area from the counter and kitchen, up to the ceiling and everything. Now about the only thing you can do is order takeout and they'll give it through this sliding bucket thing. The dining area is open again, but everything is disposable now, you get your food in take out boxes and sit down with paper plates and plastic tableware. What sucks for them is that a few years before all that they had bought the law firm office neighboring them and knocked the dividing wall down to expand the dining area, but that's closed off now too.
We were the only group sitting down to eat, before there were no less than four or five occupied tables at any given time.


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Been dealing with throttled internet for the last couple weeks. Doesn't go up any higher than 12kbps.
Thing is that it's actually a little fun. Having to carefully choose what I click on because I know I'll be waiting on it to load for the next couple minutes is cool. Feels satisfying as hell when I finally finish downloading a 3MB file.


grim, I had to tolerate that about 12 years ago and it was miserable doing anything even then.
Was piriting wifi from a cantenna all the way from a tire shop across the street. Youtube could be watched at 360p if I let the videos buffer a bit.


blech, the humidity is so gone. It's messing with my mindset. Need to buy one ASAP


suffering from acid diarrhea......

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