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Do you play any online games you'd like to play with kissu people?
Maybe this could be a thread to play some games together online? I think the stuff should ideally be free, cheap, or already have multiple players here.

Personally, I'd like to start playing Power Bomberman together again. It's a free fan game it's really fun, featuring a crapload of characters (including the new slutty ones) in beautiful pixel form and lots of cool maps. We had a thread for it about a year ago.
You can play it offline too, if you want to practice.

So, what multiplayer games do you want to play?


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No one wants to play anything anymore. It's impossible to get any OJ games or anything else nowadays.


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I don't play many games online but if one of them is mentioned here and people are playing it I might. I'm quite self conscious so I don't think I could suggest a game because probably nobody plays them and if they did I would feel pressure on me because I suggested it but if other people are already playing a game that I have as well then it would be fine and I would not feel like I have expectations on me so much.


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I want to play monster hunster rise sunbreak when it releases


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Fightcade has a boatload of arcade games and handful of console ones. I wouldn't mind playing some co-op sometime.


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Do you make posts about it? Do you start the lobbies and ask for people to join?
It can be awkward and daunting to start the process as >>88706 mentioned
and it does often end in failure, but if you just wait for other people to do it then it will always fail to materialize.

Yeah, I'll definitely be playing that one

What is that exactly? I've heard about it before. Is it a centralized emulator like retroarch or something?


give me a few weeks and I will be always open to 100% OJ


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I've been trying to get into Smite, but I'm pretty bad at it still.


I play singleplayer games, and I play multiplayer games in singleplayer mode.


'ate mobas


I love using celestial beam as ra on bots too stupid to get out of the way


don't subject yourself to MOBAs.....


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>What is that exactly? I've heard about it before. Is it a centralized emulator like retroarch or something?
Kind of? It's basically a netplay frontend for FBNeo and a few other emulators. It's got lobbies for individual games and you can "challenge" another person to play against them without having to jump through hoops like port-forwarding, although it does require you to make an account. It also uses GGPO so you can play pretty much lagless if you're not worried about the occasional rollback or jittering around, I did a few shootygames with a friend some time back and it was more than playable. Most people use it to play older arcade fighting games (hence the name,) but it's still got a bunch of other stuff.


I think SRB2 Kart would be a fun multiplayer game to play with Kissu. it's very moddable and has tons of custom characters, (Anime girls yay!) tracks and gameplay mods such as tricks


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Nice. Yeah, I went through the headache of playing emulators in the early 00s online and it was really, really annoying. It's good to see that stuff get streamlined. What kind of games did you have in mind? I love those beat 'em up stuff, which might be what you were talking about in the first post.

Ohhh, yes that one is a great idea. I've seen clips of it and it looks really fun and visually very impressive.


Love me a good kart racer. I'd be down to play anytime.


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Sonic karts is pretty great. There's a mountain of mods too, the Soku-style weather one is awesome.

>What kind of games did you have in mind?
Dunno! I'd need to dig back through the list of supported games. I've mostly been interested in shooters recently (above pic was from Rapid Hero/Arcadia,) but it's kinda of hard to text chat while playing them given the auto-scrolling nature, and I'm not sure you can pause the emulator in multiplayer. I wouldn't mind playing a beat 'em up, but I'm probably not very good at them.


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Would anyone want to try playing Haven and Hearth again when the world resets? It's apparently overdue, but no indication of it happening so far. It could be next week or in 5 months or more.
Also, we really need to set up a date to try this SRB2 Kart thing. Maybe this Sunday? Or what day(s) are good for you if you're interested?


I'll play hnh for sure.


I would be down to try SRB2 Kart on sunday not sure about anyone else though


remember wanting to try haven n hearth way way back, but now i think i'm too jaded to really enjoy something like it.


Also yeah who will be hosting? I can perhaps make a mod pack for the game but I am not sure what I should include


I'd play SRB2K, but maybe not on a sunday. Fri or Sat would work better for me.


I know absolute nothing about the game myself. What kind of mod stuff is there? Is there a listing of it somewhere for us to look at?



There is all kinds of stuff, custom characters, custom tracks, custom gamemodes and custom gameplay features


Yeah, Sunday was just a day I was throwing out there. Friday or Saturday might work... maybe. We do have anime streams on those days that I host for about 4-5 hours, but there's a lot of time outside that window and not everyone is up for the stream as well.
I wish imageboards had some sort of lobby system to sign up for things...


could always do a poll


Dang, that's a lot of stuff. I guess add anything you want and people could nominate stuff in the thread?
And yeah, poll for a day to play could work. Just 3 of us (I think) right now so maybe see if we can get some more interested before doing that, though.


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I also tossed together a custom intermission screen to use with the pack it looks alright


I found a list of characters here:https://wiki.srb2.org/wiki/SRB2Kart/Chart_of_characters

If anyone wants a character from here tell me and I will add it to the srb2k pack


I have a bunch of characters scattered around my addons folder, should I upload a zip of them?


If you want to, sure!


That is not an easy to read list at all, huh. I'll look through it tomorrow because I'm too tired to look at rows of text right now.

Sure, sounds good.



playing the worst moba in existence right now


which one


We didn't end up playing last weekend, but was anyone still interested in trying SRB2Kart?


I am it would be fun


Alright I have the srb2kart pack made I'll upload it somewhere and share it. Just place the folder in your kart folder when you play and the game will automatically load it when joining a server with the mods. Also when we do play download something called moemansion it a custom version of kart with uncapped framerate and other features, you also might want to turn off screentilt which is in "bird" in settings.


unlikely to be awake when you decide to play but if i am i'll join


Here it is. If you are going to host with this pack read the readme.


I should probably clarify that I wasn't the one planning to host, and likely couldn't anyway with my horribad connection. I just wanted to see if anyone else would still be up for it.


Yeah, I'm interested and I'm downloading this. I'm also doubtful that I'd be a good host, but I'm not sure. My upload is capped at 1MB/s and I don't know if that's related to hosting or anything. I don't get disconnected very often, however, so maybe that's good?


Bleh. Would it be a hassle for your to put this in a rar or zip? Mega's ZIP thing never seems to work for me


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I'm up for Monster Hunter Rise stuff about now. Well, not RIGHT now, but in the coming days and weeks.
Really don't want to rush things, though.


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BigSunbreak update tomorrow!!!
Will kissu play this with me in the next days or on the weekend?


I think I'm up for it. Well, I say "I think" because I'm MR 4 or something so I'm not sure I can do the new stuff. Also, once Friday hits I'll be obsessively playing Haven and Hearth for a while.
What timing...


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Its from MR10 up


Does that mean there's 10 ranks of MR??? I mean, 10 real "do these quests" ranks?
Hmm, no, that doesn't seem right since I was already seeing elder dragons at 4.
Yeah, I guess I'm not there yet...


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Probably could hunt some new monsters tomorrow. I feel like I'm pretty much at the end, and I'm assuming once this cap is unlocked I'll easily be at MR1O or higher.

Also for the most part I don't really understand all the hate for Rise. It may be smaller than world, and less graphically impressive, but it still plays really well. I really took a liking to the way they changed up the default way you can play the weapons.


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Tomorrow only?
I have work in 8 hours and I get back in 17 hours.
Can we make this work?


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I made that post yesterday


Also I've got a lobby opened up now
PW: 1337


You made this post this morning!!
And I have to sleep now!


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Has there ever been a serious attempt at a co-op multiplayer mod for Touhou? It seems absurd that no one would have made one yet, especially given how many other shooters have allowed for 2-player....


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We very briefly talked about it in a non-committal way in a seasonal board thread, but does anyone want to play Terraria or Minecraft with kissu people soon?
I don't operate a server or anything so it's not up to me, but there's usually someone around that's up for it.
The question is, does anyone want to do it soon, or would want to schedule a specific time in the future when they're free for a few days/weeks? I think it'd be nice if we had a nice slow, easy server focused on building stuff that could last for a while.


Minecraft player here, I'm currently pretty into this other MC server and will continue to be into it for probably a month more. So in May I'll be around during the usual streaming hours for Kissu Maikura.


Wasn't there an offical Kissu Minecraft server? I don't know if that still is running or not


Yep, the thread's still there >>72435
I doubt it's still up, but it could be?


This is what i'd use for mods https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/all-the-mods-8
Gathering them all yourself sounds like a huge pain and this one has ingame progression/help too. I played with a kitchen sink modpack once and that was the most fun I had in minecraft, personally I don't see the point in playing vanilla anymore.


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wish kissu would play outzone with me


How do you play it together? Is it MAME or something? Or I guess people use Retroarch or the like now? I'm kind of terrible at those bullet hell games


It's on fightcade, along with a surprising number of non-fighting games. Outzone's not really bullet hell, but it is pretty tough.


Well, you could maybe try to set up a day and time and see if anyone will play with you? That's the thing, though, you really need to set a time because it's something people will need to download and setup and stuff.


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I'll have to do that. There's a useful guide here for setting up fightcade with automatic ROM downloading when you enter a lobby, so that you don't have go out and get the ROMs manually: https://fightcade.guide/

Would /qa/ have any specific games or genres they'd be interested in playing with anon? Preferably co-op over fighting games or something. If not, I may put together a collection of games that seem fun if/when I get around to setting up a time.


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There is Soku which is a 2D fighting game. But instead of standard kicks and punches you fly around in the air and throw shit at each other. You can graze. It's really fun. There is also an traditional SHUMP game that's 2-player. I can't remember the name of it. It's based on Twinkle Star Sprite's gameplay. Each play gets half of the screen. You make chains by shooting stuff quickly. It sends crap to the other player's area which he can shoot and send back to you. You keep going until one of you gets KOed. Not sure if it has online play.

If you want to play something like this you should check out Twinkle Star Sprites on Neo-Geo. You can play it on fightcade. Don't bother with the steam version it's shit and no one plays it. You'll get more players on fightcade.

Is anyone here interested in playing Twinkle Star Sprites or any fightan games? I play BlazBlue:CF fairly often and it got rollback netcode last year. Servers are still very active. I'd also be down for some Soku.

Oh and this reminds me. I've been playing A LOT of Touhou Spell Bubble on a Switch emulator lately. I've only played the CPU because I don't have a Switch and have no one to test online play through the emulator with. I hear online play is pretty fun. If you haven't tried out touhou spell bubble yet you really should. It's puzzle bobble with a music mechanic added. Really Really fun. Most of the popular shit like Bad Apple is included. If you want I can share the ROM+DLC I've been using. I think it includes all the DLC songs.

Do let me know if anyone wants to play fightan or fightan SHUMPs. It's easy to get games going because we only need 2 people. I don't care if you body me and I go 0-100. I like playing and getting better. If I body you just ask for advice or ask me to switch characters/games. I'm up for anything (I mostly play lolis of course. Platinum the Trinity is my main on BlazBlue and I play a pretty decent pocket Rachel)


Are you thinking about Acceleration of SUGURI 2?


>Acceleration of SUGURI 2?
Maybe. If it's a copy of Twinkle Star Sprite's gameplay then probably so. But I know there was an obscure doujin touhou game with the same mechanic. I just think it came out before online play was common or being included in doujin releases.

You're better off playing Twinkle Star because it can run on any device you own and the gameplay was already perfect. Probably easier to find a game as well since it has gotten more popular over the last year or two since some normalfags discovered fightcade and bought the steam edition to "support the developers". DO NOT buy the steam edition. The devs get nothing and it's really really bad. The emulation is horrible.

Speaking of Fightcade the v2 release is garbage. While it added support for more games it made two horrible changes:
>GUI became a discord clone running in an embedded web browser (v1 had IRC-style GUI and everything didn't lag your computer for no reason)
>They want you to "donate" to have more than 3 games in your "list" at a time. Even though it's an artificial limit that can be by-passed by removing a game and adding another. Or simply blocking some of their kuso javascript code.

I prefer v1. v2 has no improvements beyond hooking into more emulators that could have worked fine with the old interface. They've only pushed a new version to appeal to discord users and farm for donations. They aren't even doing anything at this point. They're taking other people's emulators and GGPO and combining them with a kuso local webpage. They even broke all the old replays for v1 users awhile back and their website for stats, brackets, and replays is constantly down. No warning at all. I lost years of replays between myself and my friend that died in 2019.

I've been considering making my own fork of FightCade v1 to fix these problems. Added support for new emulators and games isn't hard. Updating the GUI a bit wouldn't be hard either (it could be improved). I just don't have the time to work on it right now.

One major thing I want to add to a "fightcade" style application is support for native Windows games. I want to be able to play newer games like BB:CF,GG+R, DBZF, SF4, and other modern games with online play included. I also want to include support for NESiCAxLive games. Which are straight copies of the games running on Candy Cabs (all modern arcade games are powered by Windows). This would allow you to play all these modern games online with rollback network for free on a platform that won't ban you for no reason. Fightcade won't do it because they're attempting to cash-in and go legit. They want to profit from other people's work without getting in trouble with the big vidya companies. So they'll never add support for a game for these modern fighting games.

Since I don't have time to do the full blown project yet what I've been doing is logging traffic on games like BB:CF and GG with the offical servers. I have enough logs now that I can easily replicate how those servers work. Since fighting games are mostly p2p after lobby/match making step it isn't that hard. For the true arcade games I'm still trying to figure out how the networking works. I don't have proper traffic logs. I need to spend a few days in Nippon and talk an arcade owner into letting me log some traffic (aka sneak something on to their network for a few days and come back for logs later). If I could figure out how the networking works for those it would be really helpful. There is an entire automatic distro system set-up in-network to allow arcade owners to instantly swap games and download them from master servers. The network is really interesting. It also tracks user stats across the entire country using smart cards. This means most of this could be easy to emulate and re-purpose for our new fightcade-like network.

I think this is worth the effort because it would allow us to build up a userbase of people that are playing to have fun. We could have a nice little community with built in text/voice chat and all the usual fun stuff from networks like Xbox Live/PSN without the cancer. We could even do in-network sharing of the ROMs/games using p2p solutions. So once you had an account and installed the client you wouldn't be forced to chase down random binary files or fuck around with finding the right copy of a ROM. You'd just have to be willing not to run it for-profit. That way the owner/admin could remain anonymous and ensure there was no one to sue. You could even break it into two parts like they do with fightcade:

>Here is the client
>you'll need to hunt down a random json file to enable the auto-download features
>we don't host anything illegal here lol
>reminder not to talk about piracy on the offical chat channels and discussion board!


Do let me know if anyone wants to play. I only play games like 3 hours a week now. I'd much rather play them with a friend. Offline play and playing randoms on steam gets kind of boring. Especially on games like BB and GG where I end up running into the same 20 or so people over and over again.


It sucks that FBNeo is only available for FC2, since that fixed the input lag I couldn't get rid of in FBAlpha.


There is no reason why it shouldn't work in v1 with minimal effort. Emulator devs have been acting like sellouts for years with this BS. They all want to cash-in on the 20+ years of work done by others with some netcode additions they didn't even write and a few modifications. They refuse to release source code anymore or play fair with the greater community. They even keep exploits for softmodding to themselves now and shill for companies like Nintendo. The Nintendo emulation scene is the worse to be involved with. They actually go so far as to dox people sharing copies of ROMs and add malicious code to their emulators and loaders to prevent people they deem bad from using them. The old upsidedown Wii homebrew channel fiasco is nothing compared to what they're doing now.

I basically want to build a similar account/registration system like fightcade did and hook it into every emulator I can. That way you could enjoy some TvC for Wii alongside your KoF98 on Neo-Geo or your 3rd Strike on CPS2. You could challenge people or have real match-making and leaderboards. The "killer feature" of fightcade is the global account system. There is absolutely nothing unique about the underlying emulation.

What I would do is clean up the interface and release game packs. Start with like 5 games Fightcade doesn't support. Slowly add support for their more popular games like 3rd Strike. If you can get the 3rd Strike players to migrate you've captured 90% of their community. It wouldn't be hard to improve upon their emulation of 3rd Strike and the crappy matchmaking set-up they're using (that's broken most of the time anyway). Fightcade v2 is effectively still a beta. They fixed nothing from the initial beta release. They do not even bother to test most of the games they claim to have support for. They just happen to work because the emulator they're using added GGPO support recently.

I would also run regular events around new games being released. Even have achievements and other goodies for them to encourage people to try them. That way you don't end up with 30 people playing 3rd Strike beside 100 ESLs playing KoF all day with no one else using the network.

I may make this my goal for 2024. I set a goal for 2023 and finished that by July. I'm sure I could get at least partial support up and running for BB:CF and some older games like 3rd Strike going in about a week. Most of the time would be spent writing the server logic and a new native client for Windows instead of relying on Google Chrome like the lazy Fightcade "devs" decided to use.


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Can play any of these, old melty and soku are fine too. GBVS and uni are getting rollback in a couple months, can play them too if the price isn't too high.


oh hey, uni and (old) melty! i love those. i can play those as well if anyone's up for that.
i also have a lot of games i can play online on switch, but i'm not sure how many people here are into that.


How do you want to organize this then? Could just post here or use steam chat, I'm fine with either but may be slow to respond here.
Want to see if the connection is any good first, I'm from eu and most people here aren't I assume. Can host any of the games (that have rollback) I posted above for the next 6 hours or so, just say if you want to play any.


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Yeah, we really should try to figure out if there's a better way to set up multiplayer games on kissu somehow. It really seems like you need some sort of live chat, but that's still not a good way to know when people are up for playing. I really have no clue how this could be done or if it could be done. It kind of works on 4chan because there's hundreds of thousands of people...

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