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File:C-1660013907695.png (4.15 MB,2894x3929)


Are you still in-touch with your inner-chuuni? Or have you moved far past those days, or maybe even never had them.


i will always be chuuni inside, but i dont show it or act like one


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as long as I can love lucy I'll know my chuuni hasn't left me


I love Bloodborne because of how chuuni it is. "Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower" is such a chuuni name, I love it!

Chuunibyou was boring


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Yeah, I never stopped enjoying crazy fantasy stuff. If I ever do it would mean something terrible has happened to mind my mind and I'm no longer myself.
Cool things are cool


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My inner-Chuuni will always be there, and that is perfectly fine with me. Something about it is sort of comforting, though I am clueless as to why.


Sigh bloodborne is the best


Yes. I'm always imagining casting Final Fantasy type spells, complete with the white text in blue box announcing the name of the spell. Sometimes I make up my own spells that are even stronger than Meteo.


If it counts, I often put put on a gleeful smug face, cover half my face with my hand in claw grip position and mutter Hououin Kyouma to myself alone in my room.
Maaaad Scientist, ha ha ha ha...


>I make up my own spells that are even stronger than Meteo
That's cheating you can't do that!


Chuuni Fantasy are my life goals. I still want to be immortal and I would like to make a time machine and a teleporter and I would want to be a person that controls the course of world history or is like the president. I've just realized that instead of being the actual creator of these things it's easier to just be rich and let things come after that.


[False Vacuum Decay]


cool style mix


I'm not sure if I would call it chuuni exactly because while I can't put a name on it its a bit of thing of its own, but my inner chuuni liked hotline miami and thriller movies way too much. It's a good thing the furthest I went was buying a bomber jacket and constantly listening to synthwave and I ended up overcorrecting into being a pacifist


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I still have aspirations for world domination and subsequent extermination of all my enemies with my gothic lolita wife by my side.



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I don't think I have anything left.
you could say that in itself is chuuni, but I am not going to be surprised at myself if I end up moving on from it, as I've already been forced to.


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Some concessions must be made to live life, but never let them take away your inner bishounen!


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Sometimes I wonder what the impact of being invested in and responsible for the wellbeing of a communities has on a mere mortal. Maybe I should be more fair to them when they poorly handle things in a human manner.


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I am gamer, dark lord of graphics, and this is my weapon


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Honestly kind of cool in a way. It's far better than the "xxxtrreme gamer gear featuring fata1ity" stuff that was shoveled out for so long. There's also stuff like pic related, but you'd really have to purposely design your PC to feature white stuff everywhere for it to look good


that's a refreshing way to do it, lighthearted and humorous


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I hope we eventually get out of this rut of everything looking the same with rainbow RGB and we can go back to stuff like silly box art and printed designs on the coolers.


my pc has white stuff everywhere


That's called dust.


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Almost nothing compares to the feeling of excitement I get from an anime that really hits those perfect chuuni fantasy elements.


Please don't sperm on your persocom.


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Anyone without a bit of chuuni in them is probably a boring and/or uninteresting norm.

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