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File:ab708131e24529da534c51b7e8….png (4.42 MB,1611x2531)

 No.95721[View All]

Didn't have any basil for my pizza so I put thyme on it instead.
It's not a bad substitute. It's pretty good in its own right.
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making waffles with whole wheat flower and choco chips...
but the flower expired 10 months ago!


Tried to make protein pancakes with:
2 eggs
500g milk
30g protein powder
30g oats
1 nanana
30g peanut butter
Failed miserably, had to gulp it down as a shake to not waste the material. Maybe too much milk, going to try with 250g tomorrow.


why is the milk in 'g'?

for 1 egg I use 2/3 cups of milk, 166.666667 ml which probably corelates to 180g maybe?


I'll just give you a recipe that works that I have memorized for waffles that translates to pancakes...

2/3 cup flower
2/3 cup milk
1/4 cup butter or less
1tsp baking powder
1tsp sugar
some salt


And that's for 1 egg


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the milk is in g because my scale is in g
thought 1g == 1ml but seems like it was only for "pure water", though using 500g milk finishes about half of my 1000ml box of milk so i dont really mind
thanks for the recipe anonymous
do I need the flour and baking powder? saw a youtube video where the guy did it with just
2 eggs
120g milk
30g protein powder
1 nanner
60g oats
no flour or baking powder
thought I'd try changing the recipe to meet my needs but it didnt work


what you need kinda depends... my recipe is for desert/breakfast waffles so it tries to make them fluffy and sweet rather than dense.

From the looks of things what that guy has might be a more dense pancake that tries to balance it out with banana. I've seen protein powder be used in place of flower.
It seems like a bit of a strange recipe to me, but if you don't have allpurpose/white flower and baking powder then you can give it a try


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also, you should consider picking up like a 5-10$ set(who knows how much it is with inflation) set of measuring utensils.

Scales are nice, but if you're working with liquids it's a pain


1tsp is 5ml
1tbsp = 15ml
1/4 cup = 60ml


yeah, been meaning to buy them ever since I started home cooking (maybe two years ago?) but never really saw value in them enough to spend money on them
a scale just works


don't even use a scale. I just throw things into a wok. if I need to do baking I'm measuring flour and liquids by the cup. If I need to portion out dough then I'd use a scale though. But to each their own


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Made something that resembled pancakes (ignore the mountain of rubble barely visible underneath) with:
2 eggs
90g oats
180g milk
30g protein powder
1 nanner
30g peanut butter
Went on adding oats to offset the milk, ended up being too much to eat... Going to try with 60g oats and 120g milk next time. Also the taste is pretty shit. Maybe I should get some syrup or honey.


the taste is bad because you have no flour


just make my recipe I posted above... this protein powder and oat thing sounds like trash


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Protein powder seems like a big mistake. Isn't that stuff supposed to be mixed into a liquid? Sounds good otherwise. Well, I'd personally put PB as a topping instead of in the mix since it's like glue.


chocolate protein powder + milk = chocolate milk


penutbutter+milk = peanut butter milk!


>this protein powder and oat thing sounds like trash
I'm trying ways to get my breakfast protein and calories in ways other than gulping down a 500ml milkshake; removing the protein powder and oats would remove the reason to create pancakes in the first place...
Maybe I'll add some sugar in the mix and see how it goes.
Will have to finish my current pack of protein powder (about 300g left) before I can get one with a more standard/better flavor.
Yeah, I do think I dont have the best of flavors for this; "royal tea" or something I think it was. Was curious, not the best choice.


>I'd personally put PB as a topping instead of in the mix since it's like glue.
>1/4 cup butter or less
I didn't have normal butter so thought peanut butter would work since they both have butter in the name...
Will try using it as a topping next time.


You don't even know the first thing about waffles or pancakes boy... also https://www.supplementscanada.com/pescience-protein-waffle-pancake-mix-756g-12-servings-homestyle-buttermilk.html i'm pretty sure they use flour in these... Flour also has gluten protein and quite a bit of it


Greek yogurt has probiotics and lots of protein. I've tried eating it with potatoes as a substitute for sour cream. It's okay I guess. I haven't tried using it for pancakes or smoothies or anything.


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Finally, starting to look the part with:
2 eggs
60g oats
30g protein powder
1 nanner
100g milk
16g butter
The middle gets a little burnt before it's ready to be flipped though. Doesn't really affect the taste much. Also, tastes a lot better than >>123568


this looks like a turtle
did you eat a turtle anon?


i'm hungry for sugar and insulted at these waffles... I will make my own with the brown flower I have that is 8 months expired..




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Real waffles with cocoa and whole wheat flour


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First two videos didn't work in water or firefox, but the last three do.
Cat makes very cute sounds. I suck at using those waffle maker things. I once used one in a hotel that had plastic cups next to it and you picked out a flavor and filled it to the line in the cup. REALLY handy.
I think I want to buy a waffle maker. Do any of them work having fruit in the batter? I think I remember that being an issue. Oh, and cleaning waffle makers is awful.


very annoying sounds



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*runs away*


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feeling positive about my broth. sipped it and it's mild and perfectly balanced between the meat (pork and some beef) and the vegetables... and i made two litres of the stuff ^_^
some I'll use for deglazing the tray after an oven roast, some I'll use for cooking rice in, some I'll use as soup just need to decide what soups to make out of it


hi akebi


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When you said you made it, does that mean with bones and the like?


yeah i basically did this https://www.thespruceeats.com/instant-pot-bone-broth-4775483 (except i didnt have any vinegar)


eatin goya organic dark kidney beans out of the can
saying it's organic bc i don't know what the non-organic version tastes like


i bought some unorganic dark kidney beans
they're smaller


read this as unironic and was very confused


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I made hoover stew. In fact I made way too much of it and now I have a ton of leftovers.


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I repeatedly got complaints the way I cook noodles is wrong because I don't use a colander to drain the water. But I don't care much since I'm the main consumer of the food I cook.


does it even affect the taste if you're draining the water either way?


Some water will always stay inside the pot if I'm draining noodles the lazy way. The noodles are wetter which makes them less chewy and less fryable.


It can ruin the sauce if you don't drain enough of the water.


Which is why you put the pot back onto the gas for a bit, stirring to make sure the noodles don't get burned.


Sauces are a low priority in our household but I do get the idea.


You're supposed to soak noodles before frying, not boil them.

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