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File:70ea989a287d8306ecb6523eb….jpeg (236.47 KB,1856x2048)


Hmm, why was the blog thread brought back?


because of the blogger


I wanna blog


teh suzerain blogster


though I thought you were fine blogging on #qa


no, I used it because we didn't have a blog thread.


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Well, I wasn't consulted, but I guess it's alright as long as people focus on blogging and not...

>>>/aut/1909 >>>/aut/1932 >>>/aut/1933 popular kissu girl images, but not blogs. now exist on kissu's server but no one will see them unless they scroll up in the blog thread which no one does
>>>/aut/1911 could have been a nice addition to cat thread
>>>/aut/1914 (text excluded) would have been nice addition to cooking thread, as the following few posts were devoted to cooking. You weren't in blog thread at the time those posts were made? Too bad, the discussion is gone now so you missed your chance
>>>/aut/1936 youtube video could have gone in a youtube thread or on /secret/ where people could comment on it and look at it later
>>>/aut/1964 could have been a good /ec/ post or /jp/ thread
>>>/aut/1979 It is a blog, but would have been nice as its own thread so people can go into more detail of how they learned to ride bikes

I consider the new blog thread to be a repeat of the failings I listed in my previous /secret/ meta thread. People want a hima/meguca/smug/doushio/scv/etc everything-goes-general and I don't know why


When people think blog, they think either 2 things, /r9k/ relationship shit, or general "ah fuck it shoot the shit about whatever."
There's no inbetween here.


well actually I take back the cat sleeve one, that one fits in blog thread


>People want a hima/meguca/smug/doushio/scv/etc everything-goes-general and I don't know why

Because it's convenient with the low population of modern imageboards and thus has become the culture of it. Also I posted about the bike riding but there's not much in terms of experience-sharing, most people learnt when they were kids.


I don't think they would have ever existed if it weren't for the blog thread.

You assume an ideal without the prerequistites being established. And the season boards have been longing for a purpose for a while. My original intent was to move all the blogs there and I saw opportunity plus disagreement with the decision to stop making them on /qa/


But I wonder if the cooking ones were misplaced.
I think it's on you to deal with the problem you see without cutting out parts of what people like.


That's fair. I guess it's another 'wait and see' thing. It is a good idea for it to be on seasonal boards for sure, though


How does this blog thread work?
What are we /bloging/ about?
Like general? Do we talk about our sleep?
Or how life is going?


we blog


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Ideally it works with me driving a stake through it.


What is there to blog about?
Through what? It?


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i'm blogger. i blog. simple as.


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seggs pic


Nice long arms to reach inside goat mouths


Yucky asics


isnt 2/3 enough to kill it again


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bloggins inviting. sometimes your idea isn't developed enough for a thread but it still wants a home


I'm more of a 'meh' vote. I'm not a fan of it, but we'll see how it develops


also user input is important and there isn't seemingly any strong rejections of it, but may need to overrule it if blog thread becomes 30-50%% of kissu activity at some point like it was on some days in the past


that's prevented by it being on /aut/ and also people like the blog thread.


the blog controversy


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killer of blogs


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thinking about blogging.


thinkin' about furries, don't like the group of them but I like some of their art.
Too bad most of them are gross in real life.


Furries might as well just be a flavor of gay males


Male furries, yeah they're mostly homosexuals who are into getting fucked in the ass yeah.


blogs are very important


I got a blog.
Big blog right here.
I've been slowly procrastinating on stuff, I want to play a tabletop game by myself but that'll take a lot of time and energy that I feel like I keep wasting. Don't know if I should set a nanny thing for me or something retarded like that; see right now I've been wanting to draw a map of Europe, with a bunch of different countries (think like an EU4 map of the HRE but for the entire of Europe) which is all under control of gacha character stand-ins until I can come up with a legally distinct thing.
I mean it doesn't matter if they're legally distinct but I always operate on the assumption that I want to make money off of it one day.


When I say nanny thing I mean like, cut the access to different websites and force myself to work.
Shit sucks, hate being lazy.


You might be having dopamine issues


How do I solve it?



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What I've heard is that I need to do a dopamine fast or whatever that's called.


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Actually in blogging news.
Going to try and convert all the mkv files for LoGH into MP4.


why do you sponteaneously start blogging so much
what's up with that


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Three things:
1) Because I'm usually more active during this time.
2) I'm probably a little high and I want to talk about things because I get really talkative when I'm high.
3) I'm used to doing more little spurts of "Oh this is what I'm doing" in a sea of piss where other people are posting at the same time, and sometimes I get (You)'s for it. But that's gone now and I'm now on kissu again.


what are you high on
there is a kissuposter who had some unsavory things to say about drugs


I'm on the DUDE if you catch my drift


do you regularly smoke the grass


Oh of course, every day. Usually smoke it at night though.
Sometimes I get baked during the day and take a nap or something.


this explains a lot


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What did you mean by that?


In today's episode of blog
I managed to get a new thread on >>>/aut/2112 (so close).
I'm hoping everyone had a good day today.


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time for another blog thread update. People are focusing on blogging now, right?

video game talk
multiplayer game invitation, hidden away and ignored naturally
talk about TV shows
gossip about one of /v/'s "lolcows" as they call them
book(?) talk
manga talk

Sure, some of them don't have a place to be, but new threads could be made and we do have fairly active video game and manga threads...


¥ book(?) talk
It'll happen, I'm just in the process of workshoping the idea out so it'll be nice.
What 'cow are we talking about? Chris?


Surprisingly, I find myself not really reading the new blog thread. Not because it's on /aut/, since I always use the post feed, but because... not sure, actually. Only made a single blogpost so far.


I made the book post. It was more about how it made me want to change careers, despite the poor outlook. I posted it in case anyone wants to read it, which I have done before with a North Korea book. Not worth a thread as I share long reads that I dont expect immediate replies to, just want to put a book I read in YOUR book backlog as well, alright


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Oh, yeah that's fucked up what happened. Alex is a fucking moron Jesus Christ, how hard is it not to talk to underage people?


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If I had my pitchfork I'd be ready to put it to great use, and show humanity it is possibly to fit one up two asses at the same time with your buttholes.


I don't know if I should be laughing or not.


that just means he's gonna tear you a new one


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¥ Sage
¥ Don't sage
Oy vey can't catch a break in here.
In other news, I got Wargame:Red Dragon, I'm terrible at it.


¥ Sage [blogs]
¥ Don't sage [good posts]


Is norms traumadumping in youtube comments on unrelated videos about how terrible their christian family is and how they dont talk to them anymore blogging?


Of course. And it's fucking annoying.


i guess so? havent ran into it


You havent? Its relatively common to the point where I'm surprised it hasnt become a meme like (SORRY FOR MY BAD ENGLISH)


I see stuff that reminds me of GDQ:
"wow, I love this game. I used to play it with my dad and now he's dead."

How are people supposed to react? I hate real life intruding into the internet and other spaces. I'm watching it for games and not some guy I don't know's life story


Oh I got one, those people bringing up random trauma and like their life stories on the Sims 1 soundtrack, like goddamn just enjoy the Muzak.


drop the possessive that sounds too natural


Lol this got recommended to me


konami have blood on their hands




I think there are certain posters that make the blog thread terrible.


I think the blog thread makes the blog thread terrible


you just don't want anyone to use /aut//


i used /aut/ and then my thread got moved here before anything bad happened




see this is all vermin's fault
not only the blog but the bumps


small penis blog


Andy, should I go see Tessa Blanchard? Shes coming to an indy show nearby


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Should you go to an indie event, yes. Support your local indie wrestlers.

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