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/spg/ - Spring

Seasonal board for the Spring Season

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File:[SubsPlease] Aharen-san wa….jpg (227.83 KB,1280x720)


Weatherman said this will be the last cool day we have, probably until Fall. This is the worst time of the year for local weather because it's a full season of pain ahead. I still have trouble believing people willing immigrated and settled here before air conditioning was invented.
So, a month in advance: I HATE SUMMER!


File:[ANE] Denpa Onna to Seishu….png (2.28 MB,1920x1080)

But high temperatures increase energy usage which increases the potential profit I can make...


File:[SubsPlease] Paripi Koumei….jpg (129.34 KB,1280x720)

Are you stupid? High temperatures make you lazy and unmotivated. This is easily seen in Europe: the Northern countries are autistic and obsessed with work while the Southern ones like to take it easy.


We should be more like those southern countries


File:20220526_180735.jpg (226.59 KB,765x1100)

Explain to me how Summer is bad when it's the season where you can get your maids to dress like this for you.


File:1604126472_2.jpg (1.61 MB,1518x1075)



File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy M….jpg (264.19 KB,1920x1080)

The clouds are gone and the sun is out.
It's all over. Game over, man. Game over.


I don't know about you, but when it's cold I'm too sad and anxious to get anything done. When it's warmer out my mood improves and I can actually do things.


Obviously you two are meant as complements so one can work and the other can take it easy. Now kiss!

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