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/spg/ - Spring

Seasonal board for the Spring Season

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File:1536972018208.jpg (126.13 KB,1100x729)


The nice thing about spring is that the sun is (usually) still up when I wake up. The downside however is that it's bright as hell outside when I go to bed.


Uh... do you sleep the majority of the day?


Nocturnal, huh? Yeah, I end up that way most of the time, but I like winter because if I stay up way too late there's still a good chance the sun is down when I go to bed at like 6AM


File:[ASW] Yofukashi no Uta - 1….jpg (77.92 KB,605x579)

I am a son of the moon. The tranquility of night runs through my veins, the illuminating stars guide my soul (to moe).

8 to 9 for me. Midday at worst.

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