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/spg/ - Spring

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File:plead.png (3.39 KB,490x48)


Never seen a "plead" before on a file.


File:[SubsPlease] Kawaisugi Cri….jpg (178.97 KB,1920x1080)

Huh, what is it? You didn't download it, right?


lolwut, crazy if this is actually a page on a major website in this day and age


isnt this just a query parameter which can be named whatever you want...


its not like its something enshrined into the communication protocol like a hypothetical obscure HTTP code 485 Please Don't Download


I like it.


File:2b70bd114acb63e1a4972e5dd0….png (582.48 KB,970x895)

418 Kissu is a teapot.

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