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File:__hanesaki_ayano_hanebado_….jpg (64.15 KB,433x650)


Why play something competitive if you are not going to be the best? or among the best, at least.

¨For fun¨ is the obvious answer but then you have a big skill gap between players. I don't play competitive online games anymore because I haven't been able to find an answer to this. I don't want to be a pro or anything, just good enough to think of myself as ¨good at the game¨. Whatever that game might be.

Instead, I've been playing Prominence Poker and MahSoul because those games are luck based and I can listen to a video or do something else while playing.

What do you think?


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I'm "lucky" enough to not be very competitive, at least not in the traditional sense. Being mediocre is alright as long as I'm having fun, but I do get a little bothered if I try to do something creative and someone does a better job. It feels like my brain failed me and I should have done better.
Games and stuff though? Nope, doesn't matter if I'm having fun and I don't need to be good to have fun. In stuff like fighting games I'd rather play as 20 different characters and be mediocre than be really great at one of them.


small penises are still cute


Are you referring to sports? The OP image is eludes to that but I am not sure if you are, anyway sports have leagues and such that sort people out by how good they are, so you are always playing against people that are on your level so that skill gap is not actually there so much. So for fun is still quite valid.

I guess many video games do this too now. I don't really play competitive online games though, but that's mainly because I find them to be boring and repetitive. I do play some online games but they are not that competitive and they are the kinds of games where you have progress that is fulfilling to earn and that changes the game, so you are not doing the same thing over and over again all the time. Games like Warthunder for example, though I have not played that for a while but I would have played it a fair amount overall.


>Are you referring to sports?
Not really, no. Sports are always fun to play and that was the most fitting image in my folder I could find.
>boring and repetitive
Yes, I used to play them when I was younger ¨competitively¨ for fun with others. But recently I got into this dilemma where it feels like a 2nd job to play them. There are people complaining about Fall Guys being full of tryhards, for example, so I feel like there's no in between. I tried a bunch of them.

Another example >>3097 says it's better to play 20 different characters for fun but I would be frustrated if someone wins convincingly against me not because I'm losing but because I'd think I'm not playing THE game properly at the highest level where I think the real fun is. This doesn't happen to me when I try to do something creative like drawing or playing an instrument at all because I don't view it as a competition.
I get bored of things after getting good at them, that's why poker and mahjong are fun right now, you can get better at them but nothing is guaranteed.


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I think even if you're not going to be globally competitive, you can always be competitive in these games amongst your friend groups. That's kinda where I think a fair bit of fighting games lie, played peer-to-peer among friends in private lobbies when they're not going at online.


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Why become the best, or among the best, at something competitive if it won't win you your mother's love?


Focusing on the destination instead of the path doesn't seem like the right attitude to me, former will come naturally if you're mindful of the latter. Being mindful of it means playing to improve instead of just playing, and if you don't enjoy playing that way you won't get very far either.
So if you're not enjoying the process of improving and expanding your understanding of the game you might as well stop playing, if getting good is your goal that is. Mahjong would be a good example to compare the two ways of playing: just playing, for fun; and the way you'd do it to improve - by reading books on the game as well as playing, maybe watching replays if those are a thing.


could be million reasons
u like gameplay
u interested in the game universe
u support developer / publisher
u u frolicking online
u gont give sh about it just pushing buttons and head is in different place completely
u find it aesthetically pleasant
u wait for certain someone to play with
u trying to grow up in certain game
u seek different
u seek yourself
u developer yourself and watch what others do
u trying a new platform
u had spare money so bought it just because
so much more

the only ppl who always always ruins all the fun is exact perfection obsesses veggies who never rest

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