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It's Star Wars day. What's your favorite Star Wars quote?


That was a great series but I forgot all the voice lines


"beep boop byooop"

- R2D2


You're a wizard, Harry


There are no wizards in Star Wars because there are no large pointy hats in Star Wars.


influence gained: kreia
influence lost: kreia




Gandalf the white. Gandalf the fool.


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i found your lack of tape disturbing so i got an magic item, take it with you


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I always enjoyed chatting with HK-47, so smugly homicidal. This I think is one of his best moments, at least the only one I can really recall, it somewhat reminds me of your conversations with Dak'kon in Planescape as you progress through the Circle of Zerthimon although they are radically different.
In any KotOR 2 discussion you'll see people hyperfocusing on Kreia since she's so vocal and explicit about it, calling her a mouthpiece and all that, but it's hardly the only instance of criticism. It most clearly goes back to Jolee in the previous game.
Also, Battlefront 2's monologues are a classic.


How often does this damn bot have to be NTRed away from its master though?


Maybe he'll have to be NTR'd away from his mission entirely.


Star Wars sucked since the 90s.


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This is a very silly take and I am CERTAIN you know it's pure contrarianism.


I am saying that Star Wars from the prequel onwards has been terrible.


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Apathy is death


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Apathy is death


If you mean the movies only, sure, but the way the prequels expanded the universe is something people are overwhelmingly thankful for.


It's crazy to realize that the last original trilogy was in the 80s


Droidekas are so cool so yeah shut it up

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