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File:1379295962923.jpg (35.21 KB,498x498)


I saw a bumper sticker today that said "birds aren't real" and it made me realize I'd never actually seen a bird in real life before. Why did you trick me like this, kissu?


File:7b272dc229608e4ed2947f5ca2….jpg (123.11 KB,660x882)

i have to say >>3308 is a very creepy example of how far AI has come
used to be that humans would be the ones to think them up... like elephants


File:[Serenae] Wonderful Precur….jpg (241.81 KB,1920x1080)

Every bird is a potential Precure


ah blblblblbblb
ah fpppppttt
ah mfffmfmfppmmtppttmtmmmffff


If birds are not real, then what other force could possibly stop witches from achieving total aerial superiority?

Being able to walk the streets without having to dodge any malevolent magics flung at you from high above, or suffer the smug insults of airborne airheads, is the best proof that birds are out there and looking out for you that you could ask for.

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