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Have you watched anything neat on youtube or similar sites lately? Don't just link it, mention why you like it!
This is a re-enactment of the American Psycho dubs man scene with Weird Al and Huey Lewis. There's some very nice attention to detail and the humor is great. Somehow it's 7 years old and I never saw it.
163 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>Trust me bro


Super Eyepatch Wolf has manga and anime related video essays as well. Though, to be honest, I find them a little lacking. Their length feels unjustified for generally how little they say about their subject. And it always tends to venture in the "oh wow this manga so ScaRryyyy" or the "oh no this internet subculture was so MessEd uP". To be as constructive as possible, I think he certainly has a skill for introducing normies to more niche media (some of my friends have finally given certain manga a chance due to his recommendation), I just also think his portrayal of more niche and cult media is a little... well it's like those music Youtubers that call breakcore "mysterious".

If you're still into long video essays to put on in the background and listen to,(and especially if you're /jp/) I couldn't recommend Hazel more. She typically makes videos about obscure media and the history of various subcultures (and when I say obscure I mean, some of her work is actively dealing with lost media). Here's a video where she talks about around 24 different OVAs; I'd say you should give it a try if anything I said sounds appealing.


The video essay format is basically way too much repetition, not out of trying to game algorithms or viewers, but lack of proficiency in script writting.

A good argument needs bones in the form of the structure and composition of arguments and meat being how you portray it. In many cases repetition is done too much creating fat. The worse the video essay is the more fat it has on the bone.


getting recomended a bunch of anime video essays I'm never going to click on


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never knew there was a hotkey menu


UE5 looks cool


Could have sworn I've seen these effects a while ago in some echii.iwara dances.


I've seen similar, but never on the level in that video. Maybe now it'll be common though.


I checked/searched for some and yes, what I found is not that high fidelity


Neat little presentation about how the lack of oversight on tax exemptions have a larger effect on the residential quality of areas more than the productivity of industry


literally tried to do the examples he described as negative teachings from game tutorials and it sucked ass


Mm, same conclusion as most fields. "Stop watching youtube videos and listen to the professionals instead, including reading books." When everyone has an equal voice it's impossible to know whether you're learning the best solution. It's really nice to see different ideas or opinions on how to approach things, though.

Not bad for a frogposter. Man, those reaction image insertions that people do drive me nuts.


Nothing can top peer reviewed publications in the end.


I was randomly recommended this and it reminded me of newgrounds. I wouldn't exactly call it "good", but I'm glad stuff like it still exists.


pretty interesting


also another interesting learning video


> For a lot of tasks in life, we can become competent in a fairly short period of time; take driving a car for example, initially it's challenging, it takes up all of system 2, but after 50 hours or so it becomes automatic. System 1 takes over and you can do it without much conscious thought. After that, more time spent driving does not improve performance.
Boy have I been a victim of that. Before I totally quit it, I had almost 10,000 hours in DotA 2, but almost all of my game play was in autopilot mode after a certain point, so I never improved past said point. Takes a lot of effort to force your "System 2" to take control. Same with my typing speed/style. Learning sure is hard...


That's an incredible amount of time, I'm impressed.


you guys watch a lot of garbage


I had about the same number of hours, and I can attest that happened to me as well. The interesting thing is that when I stopped playing for a while, I usually completely stomped after coming back (with scores like 30/1/15 or so), but the more I played, the more the performance started to drop, and I could even point around where I completely switched to automatic and started under-performing hard. I could never consciously bring myself to perform like I did after a break, even if I made effort to do so. If there was a trick to it, I'd really love to learn it.


>The interesting thing is that when I stopped playing for a while, I usually completely stomped after coming back (with scores like 30/1/15 or so), but the more I played, the more the performance started to drop, and I could even point around where I completely switched to automatic and started under-performing hard.
Same! Wonder what's up with that. I went up a thousand MMR in a week or so of playing after a one year long break, then I started to lose it all after a while.


I think it's possible that the more you burden your automatic side, the less responsive it is, therefore when you really need it, for reacting to things you didn't expect, it reacts slower.
And the more actions you perform automatically, the more you enter a dream-like state, becoming less rational and engaged in the activity. Fatigue probably also matters, further pushing you into the unconscious side. You can usually tell you are tired when you are getting irrationally angry at things, albeit if you are a big gamer it might be a pathological normal for you.


>Fatigue probably also matters, further pushing you into the unconscious side. You can usually tell you are tired when you are getting irrationally angry at things
I did notice that I was more irritable in the last few games I played (before I stopped playing again), than the first games I played after the hiatus. By the end I was just flaming people left and right, so I stopped playing it again. I guess this goes to show how important mental health/stability is when it comes to this game. Maybe I'll go up another thousand MMR next year when I inevitably come back to it.


That slab of butter would have lasted for weeks here.


always wanted to know what to do if my rug has earth worms in it


what the hell...


mad how well this can guy restore rugs





neat video about some neat structures




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Fuck this guy, pancakes rule.


it's a very silly video idea that he's taking ultra seriously


I really don't know why I watch stuff like this. Well, it's good background for when you're focused on something else


Because we're addicted to youtube. I was watching a video about TF2 weapon balance the other day when I haven't played that game in years and have no interest in doing so.


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Found a couple more channels of speedrun event content:

Also RPG Limit Break 2023 is going on now, but due to the nature of RPGs I don't really watch this one live because the odds are you'll never get to watch something from the beginning.
Hooray for a lot more second monitor material!


boson hole


still amazed that mechagamezilla still gets so little views despite having extremely high effort and quality videos


File:Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtl….mp4 (4.8 MB,810x540)

At its root it's an ad, but there is something satisfying about seeing stuff like this. I guess it's the social part of the brain doing its thing


heh, nice


a quality IGN video??


isn't that daily destin from screwattack


https://www.twitch.tv/rtainjapan How about a japanese speedrunning event?


I remember seeing some AI things before, but this Family Guy one is genuinely hilarious because people are feeding it prompts and it's just soooo good.
I hope I can find a way to download them, because god damn some of these are really hilarious.


This speedrun history stuff is so dumb and yet it's somehow enjoyable


Why does Iggy look like a STALKER Controller.


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