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File:IMG_20220625_100513.jpg (3.08 MB,3968x2976)


Saturdays are for waffles




Looks yummy. I start my days with a handful of breakfast biscuit things. They're like a little flat biscuit with cranberry in them. They almost taste like fruit pebbles.


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (349.02 KB,1920x1080)

I should get a waffle maker thing one of these days, or better yet a crepe maker, but waffles seem like a lot less work and are far more filling


I wish I knew how to manufacture waffles.


File:IMG_20211225_144202.jpg (1.93 MB,2976x3968)

OP recipe
made in a Belgium waffle maker


Wow, thank you very much for posting that!


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