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Seasonal board for the Summer Season

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Do you ever think about how much CO2 could be building up indoors and how that could be impairing your thinking? Well, if not, maybe you should!


When I saw this video about half a year ago it made me start to open by window at the end of the day when it's not a billion degrees outside, but I really can't do much during the day if I don't want to suffer.
I have some plants in my room so maybe that helps a little bit, but I'd like to have more, just because they're relaxing and not specifically for this (but it'd be a nice bonus).
I wonder if anyone has ever ranked plants on the conversion rate, could be useful.


>I wonder if anyone has ever ranked plants on the conversion rate, could be useful.
NASA did a study on that a couple of years ago. Some of the best scoring ones were pretty common houseplants, if I remember correctly.


pretty sure this video is somewhere on one of the 4 seasons


Support indoor plants


Clearly the CO2 is getting to me, because I'm going to eventually post this video enough times for it to be on every seasonal board.

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