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File:R-1690300224808?fit=1152,6….jpg (112.3 KB,1152x645)


People say they're sick of irony, but then they turn around and watch shows like Pop Team Epic that are absolutely packed with it, so what gives?


I don't remember there being irony in Pop Team Epic.
Well if there was it was clearly a different sort.


Because a specific and really fucking stupid form of irony from the early 2010s became so reviled that it polluted the word's meaning to the point that people don't understand how irony is a basic feature of human language.


Pop Team Epic is packed with parody and camp, both of which are inherently ironic.

A lot of people think that 'irony' means 'ironic detachment', but that isn't necessarily true. It can can actually be really playful and fun; early [s4s] had a lot of that.


Parody and camp are not ironic.

Irony is saying one thing but meaning the opposite.


File:[SubsPlease] Megami no Caf….jpg (259.91 KB,1920x1080)

Is that really irony? It seems so random to me, that I have trouble calling it a type of humor other than absurdist


No, that's sarcasm or facetiousness. Irony is when a situation runs counter to what one would expect. A fire station burning down is ironic. A Sith Lord having the power to save other people's lives but not his own is ironic. A serious adult male who likes 2deep4you art films being a fan of My Little Pony is ironic. The last one is where the modern internet slang version of the word arises from; people intentionally doing something that doesn't fit their reputation in order to evoke surprise in others, to stand-out. It sort of gained the implication that the person doesn't REALLY like the thing and are just doing it for the attention, but whether the person is genuine or not doesn't really make it any more or less ironic.

Still, you're right that parody and camp are not inherently ironic, though parody does often make use of some level of irony in the dissonance between style and subject. PTE is mostly just lolsorandumb and overt pop culture references.


who are you even talking about? just ignore stupid people simple as that

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