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Are there any cool plants where you live?
Down here's the jacarandá, it's kinda like the sakura but purple instead. Spring makes streets look like a royal parade. Very cool tree, lovely stuff.


not really. Most of the plants in North America are imported species. I think the utility of the Maple tree is pretty neat but the tree itself is just a commonday occurance


We have our very own biosphere where I live. But I hate most Australian plants.

There are some cool looking Australian trees that look kind of like pines but are not actually related to them but I can't find out what they even are. I know they are native but even after spending time looking at the different kinds of native trees on Wikipedia I still could not find it, I found families of trees that look close and might be related to it but they were too small and or spindly, not large like these ones.


I like bottlebrushes. They look cool when they flower and when they're in bud form it's fun to shuck off all the buds and throw them.


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I don't think people appreciate dandelions enough since they're often regarded as weeds. I don't understand the dislike personally as I think they're so cool and a "weed" that actually produces pretty yellow flowers instead of spiky tendrils or something else is good to me.
Traditionally people ate them when times were tough, and they have one of the coolest seeding methods that can look quite magical on windy days.


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Cottonwood trees are amazing. They're the fastest grow trees in North America and they have specific "genders" and only the female trees produce the fluffy stuff that gives them their name. It functions the same way as dandelions, but on a much grander scale.
When conditions are right it can look like it's snowing in Spring and it happened to me this year when I went to the Renaissance fair. It really made it look kind of otherworldly.


how was the ren faire?


It was fun. I posted about it a little here >>>/spg/2636


I live in the subtropics, so its mostly scrubs and brush.
But there's nipple cactus and Yarrow!


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flowers are so freaking awesome i wish i had a garden


Sakura trees grow quite well in my region. They're not uncommon. That said, I think I would prefer the Jacarandas, although that could just me obsessing over the novelty.
During the summer there isn't much to talk about other than sunflowers and the mimosa trees.

I feel bad on how bad we've been suckered and lied to about these yellow fellows. Dandelions had their name dragged through the mud for big lawn.


tell that deleter who's boss

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