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File:3a40ac15eda912b17e100b3a21….png (836.07 KB,1280x1219)


which one do you like most


File:111000416_p0.jpg (268.72 KB,813x692)

26. Can't go wrong with hime cut.


It depends on the girl I suppose


i feel the same way, a lot of this is dependent on the girl
like 42 and 49 would go great on a loli, 29, 16 and 18 would go great on a shut-in or a shy girl that doesn't go out much...


The 30s are all MILF haircuts


30 and 43 for cute moms.


File:b7e5c9862bc0b1daa1a98562db….jpg (157.55 KB,1448x2048)

Where's the high ponytail?


File:nanachi yukari.jpg (768.4 KB,4096x4096)

i really really like messy short hair like 3, 9, and 20
less so 2, 15, 16
24 and 29 feel like they have an attitude and i like that too


File:Screenshot_2023-08-31 tra….png (18.04 KB,105x218)

I like 23.


I find they are all lacking in volume


File:1416190973385.png (1.48 MB,1920x1200)


Anyone who doesn't pick twintails is wrong.


Twintails that aren't miku long are usually bitches if they're not drills


this is the type of image you see on pinterest


it's always typically depicted on characters who are bullies of some sort


File:original__ by__mattaku mou….jpg (75.8 KB,550x785)


08 Is wicked cool and a real individual, like Sora's hair. It gives off the same sort of impact.
Tomboy afficianado

well it is a very lady oriented site


Are hime cuts easy to maintain? It seems like afros for ultra straight hair

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