What's it got over the 20X? Is ray tracing that big a deal?
I've been thinking about that a lot too. Graphics card have been getting better and better, but hardly anything has been coming out that really takes advantage of them. I mean, for as revolutionary as real-time raytracing is, it's just not that important or dramatically better in visual presentation than the lighting methods that have existed for the past some decades. Graphics in general for the past 5-10 years in general have really plateaued.
>>30020X was the one that invested everything into raytracing. Supposedly this series has raytracing and also performance.
>>301>Graphics card have been getting better and better, but hardly anything has been coming out that really takes advantage of them.Arguably, these cards can help emulation of more recent console generations; but otherwise, yeah, the most advancement software-wise I've seen is crypto. May as well stop calling these graphics cards and start calling them what they are more like nowadays: secondary computers cards.
Kinda funny how the newest console generation was parading itself as the best thing ever, and then comes this...
Apparently not that soon.