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I had the very smart idea of going on a hike with no food, water and a half dead phone battery also while only having had 4 hours sleep and alone. I didn't know the trail well at all and got lost for over 5 hours, it's a good thing I work well under pressure and know basic survival.
Never be over-confident in your abilities when dealing with nature or Gaia will make you regret it until your humble again...
Also it's true that your senses spike when under adrenaline I heard sounds I didn't pick up on when I wasn't lost and saw creatures at a further distance.


I'd never want to hike around in the woods without proper preparation. Crazy things lie in there that I don't want to take my chances with. Maybe a little look, but otherwise I'd definitely pack up some stuff to take with me and get rest first. At least you're safe OP


I'm a huge weenie so I bet I'd have a whole bunch of emergency stuff myself. What kind of survival stuff did you do? Did you build a tree house?!
Choosing to spend an extended time outside?! You must have a nice climate, or least better than the one I have. Do you need to use bug spray and wear covered clothes and stuff? That stuff ruins the fun randomness of wandering around for me.


Yes it's never a bad idea to bring things along I think apart of why I was safe is luck as I was fortunate enough to run into any wild animals.
I got unlucky the very first time I started when a medium sized fox attacked me, took a chunk of my left hand the bugger. I fought it off by biting it's nose, punching the throat and clawing at the eyes.
Pro tip: one good form of self-defence against animals like that it to carry an umbrella with a crazy design and a small sharp blade. Sounds strange but it works.
The umbrella when closed can be used for something for it to bite on or you can open and close it really fast to scare it away.
Nope didn't do any treehouses it would more tree tent if I did. No need for covered clothing and the only bugs you see a lot of are dragon flies, moths, spiders and butterflies I'm right in the middle of the Great Lakes so it's either really cool or sticky hot and your biggest threats are foxes, coyotes and surprise cliffs at least in my zone.
My first technique was keeping track of how many left and right turns I did then I paid attention to the wind and walked towards where it felt cooler and felt the air for moistness this was to try and find a river and I did and once that was done with I followed it downstream making sure I didn't lose track by being sure the river was right of my person as I moved down. After that I looked at the trees to see which ends have more growth and went that way since the sun is facing north. The forest was deep so it took awhile to even see the sun, I also kept moving only to rest for no longer then 45seconds to a minute as I'm always burning daylight and I knew I would be screwed without it.

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